Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2 gets praise from early practical reactions

At this point, there is a small group of individuals who have actually spent some time working with the new Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2. In fact, there are only 4 face-to-face videos in total about Samsung’s new Chromebook on YouTube at this time. This is obviously due to the scattered and decentralized nature of CES 2021 and Samsung has the luxury of a beautiful headquarters in New York, where they can still showcase their latest technology this year. It looks like only those in the field came to get coverage, so I assume the number of hands-on videos won’t grow much in the coming weeks until Samsung has analytics units in the hands of reviewers like us.

That said, the first few practical videos we have of the device seem very complementary to a Chromebook that has a strange name and simply shows things from last year’s extravagant Chromebook Galaxy. As we discussed in yesterday’s podcast, Samsung has a chance to refine its expensive Chromebook from last year and do something special if all the parts are aligned, but we won’t know if that is the case until we have one to test.

Fortunately, this group of first videos gives us a little more clarity about the overall feel, appearance and experience that we can expect with the Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2, and we would like to share some of these videos with you all, pending our own review unit of this interesting Chromebook.

The Verge


  • The red color is a highlight
  • Positioned as a more accessible answer to last year’s Galaxy Chromebook
  • The screen looks great
  • The hinge is robust without oscillation
  • The keyboard is comfortable and quiet
  • Speakers are loud even in a room with lots of conversation
  • Battery life will be a big win if you get close to the 14-hour claims



  • Loves the color red
  • A more accessible version of the original Galaxy Chromebook
  • Praises the addition of more configurations compared to last year’s model
  • High hopes for much better battery performance
  • The screen looks great with vibrant colors
  • Overall, the device looks light and thin
  • The keyboard is comfortable for typing

Android Authority


  • The original Galaxy Chromebook was powerful and expensive
  • This new version has been reduced to obtain a lower price
  • Shares DNA similar to the original
  • Loves color and build quality
  • The screen is bright and vivid
  • Screen and processor choices should really improve the battery
  • Overall, it looks premium, even if a little expensive



  • The Galaxy Chromebook 2 compares favorably with Windows laptops at the same price
  • Talks a lot about the speakers
  • Positions this device as a midsize Chromebook and is a big step up from more accessible devices
  • Holds the device by the edge near the trackpad several times and the Chromebook looks quite sturdy

For now, that’s all we can really extract from the videos on the Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2. In general, it looks like the screen really works, the build quality is great, the keyboard is solid and the color is equally attractive compared to last year’s model. It’s an impossible decision now about how this Chromebook will impress or disappoint when we get to the office, but I’m more excited about it now than when we received information about it from Samsung. Did they make the right cuts? Is this a fair price for what is on offer? Can it overcome the stigma of falling spec sheets? We will know soon.
