SAG-AFTA permanently prohibits Donald Trump from readmission

If Donald Trump is writing Only at home 3 in the specifications, just to give himself a speaking role, he may want to focus his energies elsewhere. In an announcement released on Sunday, the National Council of SAG-AFTRA announced that it passed a resolution on Saturday prohibiting the former president from being admitted to the union, citing “his antagonism to journalist members of the union and disrespect for the union’s values ​​and integrity. “.

“Preventing Donald Trump from joining SAG-AFTRA again is more than a symbolic step,” said SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris in a press release. “It is a resounding statement that threatening or inciting harm against other members will not be tolerated. An attack on one is an attack on all. “

The decision follows Trump’s resignation from the organization on Thursday, when he declared “Who cares!” on the SAG’s decision to initiate disciplinary expulsion proceedings against him. Knowing him, Trump undoubtedly received today’s news with the same grace, civility and decorum for which he was known before he was forced to leave Twitter after last month’s pro-Trump Capital turmoil.
