Russian Sputnik V vaccine is as good as Western vaccines, study finds

Russia has arrived in the global vaccine race. The country’s double Sputnik V vaccine has proved 91.6 percent effective against symptomatic COVID-19 and is completely effective against severe cases, according to a new peer-reviewed study released on Tuesday. There was much skepticism surrounding the Russian shooting, which was approved by Russian authorities in August, due to its incredibly rapid development and the lack of reliable published test data. But the findings, which came as a result of a large-scale clinical trial published in the British medical journal, Lancet, will help you to get rid of that doubt. The efficacy rate is similar to Western vaccines developed by Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech. Sputnik V has already been delivered to more than two million people worldwide, including in Argentina, Serbia and Algeria. It does not require special freezing refrigeration.

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