Running in cold weather | Why it is easier to operate in the cold

  • According to new research, there is a legitimate reason why running in the heat is more difficult than running in colder climates.
  • Higher body temperatures are associated with an increase in perceived exertion, as well as with an increase in cardiovascular and metabolic effort, which is influenced by an increase in core temperature and dehydration.
  • To make the most of heat runs, it is important to drink plenty of water and even decrease the intensity.

    When you’re running in the cold, the important thing is to use the proper layers to keep you comfortable. But once the heat hits and you’re only wearing shorts and a running T-shirt, you seem to get tired a lot faster. What gives?

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    A small study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness offers some clues. Researchers in Brazil observed five male recreational runners in their 30s and measured their physiological responses to hot temperatures during a long-distance run using a portable metabolic analyzer – which measures oxygen consumption during activity. The researchers also tracked runners’ cardiovascular responses, including their heart rate, and recorded body temperatures with another device called a telemetric capsule system.

    The sample size of the study was so small due to the amount of data collected during the race, according to study co-author Danilo Prado, Ph.D., Ultra Sports Science Lab and the University of São Paulo, Brazil . But despite the modest number of participants, he said Runner’s World, there were some interesting results that justify more research.

    “Our study shows that the warm temperature in the external environment has a physiological load,” he said. “Our findings suggest that the increase in body temperature is associated with an increase in the perception of effort, as well as in cardiovascular and metabolic effort, which is influenced by a higher core temperature and dehydration. This can degrade aerobic performance in hot environments. “

    Despite the very small size of the study sample, it has been well established by other research that rising body temperature raises cardiovascular and metabolic stress – which is true in both hot and cold climates, according to Carol Mack, DPT, CSCS. Runner world that body temperature can be a factor in fatigue, dehydration and glucose / glycogen depletion, which can result in a slower pace.

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    While this can happen in any type of climate, Mack added that running in hot climates increases the risk of dehydration due to increased sweat production. The loss of fluid mentioned in the study – just one percent – can increase physiological tension, and Mack said that even a 0.5 percent loss can cause stress in the heart.

    This means that you should increase your water intake for the warmer weather, she advised, especially for longer workouts. Mack recommends drinking two to four cups of water during activity, and the same amount after training, and adding another cup for each phase in warmer climates.

    For training at very high temperatures or lasting more than an hour, add a sports drink with 30 to 45 grams of carbohydrates and electrolytes, she suggested. Another hydration tip is to drink plenty of water the day before the race, usually about one to two glasses of water at each meal.

    In addition, Mack recommends decreasing its intensity. She said that if you haven’t been running or training in hot weather, try a pace that is 60 to 90 seconds slower per mile.

    “It takes the body at least a week to acclimate to the hot climate,” she said. “During that time, striving to reach your normal pace is not safe. Also, if you are able to plan your route, try to run as much shade as possible and be very careful when exercising in temperatures above 85 degrees. “

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