Robocaller hit with $ 10 million fine by the FCC


A robocaller was fined $ 10 million.

Angela Lang / CNET

A robochador was fined $ 9.9 million for intentionally using fake caller ID to cause damage, the United States Federal Communications Commission said on Thursday. The scheme’s caller made thousands of automatic calls using pre-recorded racist, xenophobic and threatening messages, the FCC said.

The calls were made to the victim’s family, a local journalist, political candidates – and even as an apparent attempt to influence a jury that was hearing a case of domestic terrorism, the agency said. Fake caller ID made calls look like they came from local numbers.

“Not only were the calls illegal, but the interlocutor took them to new levels of notoriety,” said FCC President Ajit Pai. “With today’s fine, once again we make clear our commitment to aggressively pursue those who are bombing illegally the American people. ”

The robocaller harassed people in Iowa, Idaho, Virginia, Florida and Georgia, the FCC said. He must pay the fine within 30 days, otherwise the matter will be referred to the Justice Department, the agency said.
