Robin Wright in directing “Land”, a film about human kindness

“Just to wake up and hear the birds, you don’t hear planes or trains or cars … nothing. You just hear nature.”

Almost alone, at 2,400 meters above sea level, in the remote Canadian wilderness, actress Robin Wright is facing great outdoor activities instead of the wilderness of Washington. “Maybe because six years on stage recording ‘House of Cards’, we weren’t much out of it,” she said.

“Ever?” asked correspondent Lee Cowan.

“Like, never! Let’s really go and go to the other side of the spectrum!” she laughed.

Actress and director Robin Wright.

CBS News

Wright’s most recent character is a broken woman who abandons everything she knows and retreats to the top of a mountain in her new film, “Land. “

“What we saw in the past four years was just encouraging more evil in the world,” she said. “And I just wanted to make a film about human kindness.”

“And do you think that’s what this is about in the end?

“I do.”

Wright doesn’t just star in the film, she directs it too.

Cowan said, “You certainly didn’t choose any easy film, logistically, for your directorial debut, did you?”

“No! No, I didn’t think about it at the time.”

Director and actor Robin Wright is on location, filming his first feature as a director, “Land”.

Daniel Power / Focus Features

Parts of this high ground in Alberta can provide four seasons, sometimes in a single day. “You have four thousand people asking questions for up to ten minutes – ‘Where do you want this, what are we doing with this, daddy-daddy, what lens do we want’ – and then you have to jump in front of the camera and there was a collapse scene . And I would just have one take on me, and then I would dry up and be so angry with myself. “

She is used to playing on both sides of the camera. She directed several episodes of Netflix’s “House of Cards”, including the end of the season. And yet, she remains part of a small group of women in Hollywood who are getting the reins to drive.

Wright said, “Should I? Can I? Yes, you can. You can do this. You just have to commit to your strength and your confidence that you can do this.”

Their roles are usually that of strong women, even intimidating. Wright has a softer side, of course. Your Instagram shows it. Glamor photos, yes, but if you ask women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, that pajamas that Wright is wearing is a lifesaver.

Two decades of civil war left the country in ruins. The rebels often use rape as a tool of war.

Wright said: “When you are raped in that country, you are rejected by your family because it is your fault. Their family has been dismantled, they are living in refugee camps, walking five kilometers to get water out of a refugee camp, and not knowing whether you will be raped or killed every day of your life. “

Therefore, the money from the sale of these pajamas – under the brand name Pour le Femme – goes to help these women in Congo and other conflict zones around the world.

If you’re thinking you look a lot like her ex-husband, actor-activist Sean Penn, maybe, but those days are way behind her. Her two children with Penn are now grown up and Wright remarried. She is doing her best to keep this part of life out of the spotlight.

Cowan asked, “But does it take a lot of work to be private?”

“I don’t know, do I? You just become more astutely aware of being private – knowing what to share and what not to share in interviews, things like that.”

Wright grew up in Texas, but moved to Southern California, where, as a teenager, he started chasing roles in John Hughes films. “That’s all you wanted: you wanted to be in a John Hughes movie!” she said.

“‘Sixteen candles’? ‘Breakfast club’?”

“Oh yes! I read to them all, several times. And I didn’t get any of them.”

“Damn you, Molly Ringwald!” Cowan laughed.

But before the end of the 80s, she got the role of princess, in “The Princess Bride”.

Cowan asked, “Is there anything you haven’t been asked about this movie after all these years?”

“I always get the same question over and over: Do you believe in true love, as the film claims?” she said. “Yes, I do. And they always ask about Andre the Giant. Everyone wants to know what he looked like.”

“Well, now I have to ask, what was he like?”

“The sweetest puppy. Massive and gentle giant.”

A few years later, came her role as Jenny in “Forrest Gump”.

“It certainly opened a lot of doors for you, I imagine.” Cowan said. “Was that a little overwhelming?”

“It’s what you want, but I was so immersed in being a mother, why not just speed up your career? Do you have to become a star, and then that star disappears? Why do you do too much, are you seen too much? I knew I never wanted to be that. “

She controlled herself. When “House of Cards” first appeared, she was almost 40, but before accepting it she still had questions for executive producer David Fincher: “I just don’t have the desire to take time out of my life just to be the sweet arm of a senator on a show, or a governor. And he said, ‘I promise you, it won’t be.’ “

Robin Wright as Claire Underwood, the only person who could come face to face with Frank Underwood from Kevin Spacey and come out on top in “House of Cards”.


His last role is a different kind of strong. Her skills as a director are different as well. But she barely broke up with anyone.

Cowan asked, “Do you know what’s next?”

“I want to drive more,” she laughed.

“Have you seen yourself being the camera forever?”

“Forever? No. Forever, no, I don’t think so.”

After all, the view from the top of your career mountain is very good.

To watch the trailer for “Land”, click on the video player below:

LAND – Official Trailer [HD] – In theaters on February 12 in
Focus features on Youtube

For more information:

Story produced by John Goodwin. Editor: Joseph Frandino.
