Robbery in Philadelphia’s historic restaurant: stolen heat lamps nearly froze Valentine’s Day weekend reservations at McGillin’s Olde Ale House

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) – Several outdoor heating lamps were stolen on Friday morning from McGillin’s Olde Ale House, almost freezing romantic dinners in Philadelphia’s oldest tavern.

The theft took place around 1 am in the tavern at 1310 Drury Street in the city center.

Owner Christopher Mullins said he had dozens of foreign reserves for the Valentine’s Day weekend, which were now at risk.

“At this time of year, it’s a lot of money when we’re not doing so much business,” said Mullins.

The team needs to keep the outdoor dining area warm as it is a busy weekend for them.

“We have a good love story,” said Mullins.

McGillin’s is a popular place for couples to meet for the first time.

The tavern staff has books that document all the couples that they helped get started.

In it you can see the names of the couples, photos of them and read how they met.

Then, on Valentine’s Day weekend, couples return to celebrate where it all started.

But with heating lamps stolen and outdoor meals a necessity during the pandemic, the tavern was in trouble.

However, McGillin’s, which was established in 1860, survived worse things like during Prohibition and the Civil War.

Fortunately, with some help from donations, the heat lamps have been replaced and the memories of Valentine’s Day can be made at McGillin’s as scheduled, even in winter temperatures.

“This weekend, I think they will have to curl up a little bit more here to make the heat happen,” said Mullins.

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