Riot takes a first look at Gwen’s skills in the League with the new champion trailer

Riot Games just introduced Gwen as the next character to enter League of Legends’ growing pool of champions – and she is ready to sew some victories for her team in Summoner’s Rift. But turns on fans also took a peek at Gwen’s skills in another trailer released today.

The Sacred Seamstress was created by Isolde, who was the wife of Viego, the Destroyed King in the tradition of Runeterran. Gwen was a beautifully made doll that was forgotten long after Isolde’s death, but came back to life after getting lost in the Black Mist.

From what we can see in the video, Gwen uses scissors to cut her enemies as a possible basic attack. She also has a projectile attack where she throws a plethora of needles at her unfortunate opponents. There is even an unusual ability in which it creates a bubble under it, but it is unclear exactly what it does.

This ability can be compared to Xin Zhao’s ultimate, according to the popular turns on content creator Redmercy. Xin Zhao’s R ability makes him invulnerable to any champion who is more than 450 units from him.

In the video, it appears that she becomes invulnerable to crowd control and damage when the bubble is active – such as when she avoids Maokai’s ultimate and Elise’s spiderling. But it is not known if this is his final skill.

It seems that Gwen has a running ability that gives her a fair amount of mobility when chasing enemy champions or fleeing a losing fight. In a previously leaked video, Redmercy also confirmed that Gwen will be an AP-based champion. But Riot previously said that the next champion after Viego would be an AP skirmish “tailored for the upper belt”.

Keep an eye out for the official revelation of Gwen’s abilities in the coming days.

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