Richard Barnett, who posed in Pelosi’s office during the riot, screams in court

Richard Barnett, the Arkansas man accused of breaking into Mayor Nancy Pelosi’s office and stealing his correspondence during the January 6 Capitol riot, gave a freak during a virtual hearing on Thursday, shouting at the judge and his colleagues. lawyers themselves that it was not “fair” that he was still in prison weeks after his arrest.

One of the most recognizable figures in the attack on the Capitol, Barnett, 60, was photographed on January 6 with his feet on a table in Pelosi’s office and a sting similar to a cattle sting hanging from his belt.

From the moment he was taken into custody, he undertook an ongoing – and so far unsuccessful – effort to be released on bail, and he lost patience with the case at a routine hearing in front of Judge Christopher Cooper of the Federal District Court in Washington.

Appearing from prison by video, Mr. Barnett burst into anger after Judge Cooper set the next court date on his case for a day in May, shouting that he did not want to stay behind bars for “another month”.

“They are dragging this out!” he screamed. “They are letting everyone out!”

After a brief break to calm the defendant, Judge Cooper resumed the hearing, saying he would consider a new release motion if and when Barnett’s lawyers presented one.
