Reuters cameraman arrested in Ethiopia

A Reuters cameraman was arrested in Ethiopia after police broke into his home and confiscated his computer, phone and other materials, Reuters reported on Monday.

In a statement, the news agency condemned Thursday’s arrest and said Kumerra Gemechu, 38, was not informed of the reason for his arrest and was arrested in front of his wife and children.

The Reuters cameraman was reportedly involved in covering fighting between government troops and rebel forces in northern Tigray.

“Kumerra is part of a Reuters team that reports from Ethiopia fairly, independently and impartially. Kumerra’s work demonstrates his professionalism and impartiality, and we are not aware of any basis for his detention, ”said Reuters editor-in-chief Stephen Adler.

“Journalists should be allowed to report the news in the public interest without fear of harassment or harm, wherever they are. We will not rest until Kumerra is released, ”continued Adler.

Although Kumerra did not receive a reason for his arrest, a judge allegedly saw his case on Friday and gave the police two weeks to investigate, with Kumerra set to remain detained for the time being. Authorities reportedly repressed journalists covering government fighting in Tigray in recent months, and some were arrested.

Government spokesmen did not respond to Reuters’ request for comment. The Committee to Protect Journalists, which reported earlier this month that a record number of journalists were arrested worldwide in 2020, called the Kumerra prison “the latest example of how press freedom is rapidly eroding under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, after a brief hope of reform “in a note released Monday to the news agency.
