Restarting Sex And The City will address COVID-19

“I have great faith that the writers will examine everything.”

The Sex and the City The reboot is being worked out and, according to Sarah Jessica Parker, it will reflect the world we live in – specifically, the pandemic.

COVID-19 “will obviously be part of the plot because this is the [world these characters] live in, “said the star recently Vanity Fair.

Although Parker has not yet received a script, she said she believes the plot will try to explain how COVID-19 “changed relationships when friends disappear”.

“I have great faith that the writers will examine everything,” she said.

As for the main storyline, Parker is excited to see what the writers come up with. The revival will focus on the lives of her and her castmates in their 50s – sadly, less Samantha Jones.

“Who are they in this world now? Have they adapted? What role did they play? Where have they failed as women, as friends, and how are they finding their way? Parker said what she expects the script to address.

“What is their relationship with social media? What has changed?” she continued. “How is their life? For Carrie, who has no family other than her friends, where is she professionally?”

We will be waiting patiently to see what that entails when the 10 ½ hour series comes out on HBO MAX.

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