Researchers discover a new way to stop excessive inflammation

RCSI researchers discover a new way to stop excessive inflammation

Dr. Claire McCoy, Senior Professor of Immunology at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences. Credit: Patrick Bolger

RCSI researchers have discovered a new way to ‘stop’ excessive inflammation by regulating a type of white blood cell that is critical to our immune system.

The discovery has the potential to protect the body from uncontrolled damage caused by inflammatory diseases.

The article, led by researchers at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, was published in Nature Communications.

When immune cells (white blood cells) in our body, called macrophages, are exposed to potent infectious agents, powerful inflammatory proteins known as cytokines are produced to fight invasive infection. However, if these levels of cytokines get out of control, significant tissue damage can occur.

The researchers found that a protein called Arginase-2 acts through the energy source of macrophage cells, known as mitochondria, to limit inflammation. Specifically, they showed for the first time that Arginase-2 is critical for decreasing a potent inflammatory cytokine called IL-1.

This discovery could allow researchers to develop new treatments that target the protein Arginase-2 and protect the body from uncontrolled damage caused by inflammatory diseases.

“Excessive inflammation is a prominent feature of many diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases. Through our discovery, we may be able to develop new therapies for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and ultimately improve the quality of life of people with these diseases. conditions “, commented the senior author of the article, Dr. Claire McCoy, Senior Professor of Immunology at RCSI.

The study was conducted by researchers from the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, RCSI (Dr. Claire McCoy, Dr. Jennifer Dowling and Ms. Remsha Afzal) in collaboration with a network of international researchers from Australia, Germany and Switzerland.

The research was funded by the Science Foundation Ireland, with the initial stages of the research originating from a grant from the National Health Medical Research Council, Australia.

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More information:
Nature Communications (2021). DOI: 10.1038 / s41467-021-21617-2

Supplied by RCSI

Quote: Researchers discover a new way to stop excessive inflammation (2021, March 5) recovered on March 5, 2021 at

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