Request to stay in an elevator home in California for 13 northern counties and daily drop in COVID hospital admissions

California is seeing a glimmer of hope in its coronavirus crisis when the state suspended an application to stay in 13 northern counties, where hospital conditions have improved and Disneyland in Orange County has become a major vaccination site with 10,000 people. scheduled for consultation so far.

The state’s deadly rise is showing signs of stabilization after surrounding hospitals, morgues and ambulance services for weeks.

The number of newly hospitalized COVID patients across the state has dropped to 2,500 admissions every 24 hours for the past two days, from an earlier daily average of about 3,500, said California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly , in an online interview with reporters.

Ghaly called it ‘the biggest sign for me that things are starting to flatten out and potentially get better’.

The improvement in hospitalization numbers prompted the state to suspend the home order for the Sacramento region on Tuesday, releasing it from the rules imposed on December 10 that prohibit meetings away from home and restrict business.

Rows of cars and socially distant crowds arrived at Disney's Toy Story parking lot on Wednesday for the opening day of Orange County's first mass vaccination site

Rows of cars and socially distant crowds arrived at Disney’s Toy Story parking lot on Wednesday for the opening day of Orange County’s first mass vaccination site

A view of a long line of people waiting to be vaccinated at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, on Wednesday above

A view of a long line of people waiting to be vaccinated at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, on Wednesday above

Mass vaccination sites are being opened at Disneyland in Orange County, at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles and at Cal Expo in Sacramento.  An image of people in line for filming at the Disneyland parking lot on Wednesday in Anaheim, California.  Orange County is the first county to allow anyone aged 65 and over to receive the vaccine

Mass vaccination sites are being opened at Disneyland in Orange County, at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles and at Cal Expo in Sacramento. An image of people in line for filming at the Disneyland parking lot on Wednesday in Anaheim, California. Orange County is the first county to allow anyone aged 65 and over to receive the vaccine

The crisis continues: Clinical nurse Zachary Petterson sees a COVID-19 patient at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center intensive care unit during the coronavirus pandemic in San Jose, California, on Wednesday

The crisis continues: Clinical nurse Zachary Petterson sees a COVID-19 patient at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center intensive care unit during the coronavirus pandemic in San Jose, California, on Wednesday

The state has reported more than 2.7 million COVID-19 cases and more than 31,000 deaths since the pandemic began

The state has reported more than 2.7 million COVID-19 cases and more than 31,000 deaths since the pandemic began

The region can reopen for outdoor dinners, religious services, hairdressers and manicures, and increase the capacity of stores. Meetings with up to three families are allowed.

Currently, three of the state’s five regions are under request because their hospitals’ intensive care capacity is less than 15%. These regions are: San Francisco Bay Area, San Joaquin Valley and Southern California.

Ghaly also cited other promising trends, including a decrease in the number of confirmed daily cases.

A total of 36,487 new cases were reported Tuesday, below a seven-day average of around 42,000 cases every 24 hours – and a leveling-off in the rate of positive diagnostic tests, stabilizing at 13.5 percent after weeks of a steep climb.

He also pointed to a reduced rate in the increase in the number of COVID patients in hospitals, reaching 21,747 on Tuesday, an increase of 5.5 percent in the last two weeks. He said he scored the lowest rate of increase since late October, when California last saw a week-on-week decline in patients hospitalized with COVID.

The state has reported more than 2.7 million COVID-19 cases and more than 31,000 deaths since the pandemic began.

People receive temperature checks while waiting in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a mass vaccination site in a Disney parking lot on Wednesday

People receive temperature checks while waiting in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a mass vaccination site in a Disney parking lot on Wednesday

I got the photo!  A view of California residents leaving the Disneyland testing site after receiving the vaccine on Wednesday

I got the photo! A view of California residents leaving the Disneyland testing site after receiving the vaccine on Wednesday

There were problems with disembarkation times at the Disneyland vaccination site in your Othena registration application.  According to officials, about 10,000 people scheduled for consultations this week

There were problems with disembarkation times at the Disneyland vaccination site in your Othena registration application. According to officials, about 10,000 people scheduled for consultations this week

Worth the wait: a view of people waiting in line, including a man who brought a folding chair, at the Disneyland testing site on Wednesday in Anaheim, California, above

Worth the wait: a view of people waiting in line, including a man who brought a folding chair, at the Disneyland testing site on Wednesday in Anaheim, California, above

Ghaly warned that the post-holiday increase has not yet peaked.

“Earlier this year, we had a significant number of big case days, and those cases will continue to be admitted to our hospitals in the coming days, so we continue to look at the data,” he said.

Governor Gavin Newsom set a goal last week to deliver one million doses by Friday in the state of nearly 40 million people. Newsom said last week that only about 1 percent of California residents were vaccinated.

Mass vaccination sites are opening at Disneyland in Orange County, at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles and at Cal Expo in Sacramento, with Disneyland the first to open.

Rows of cars and socially distant crowds arrived at Disneyland’s Toy Story parking lot on Wednesday for the opening day of Orange County’s first mass vaccination site, giving new meaning to the company’s motto ‘The happiest place on Earth’ ‘. The park itself has been closed since March due to the pandemic.

However, there were problems with disembarkation markings at the Disneyland vaccination site in their Othena registration application.

Deanne Thompson, a spokeswoman for the Orange County vaccination team, said that of the 60,000 people who signed up via Othena to receive the injection on Tuesday night, 10,000 were scheduled Wednesday through Friday at the park.

This week’s goal is to administer 3,000 doses a day, she said, according to the Orange County Register.

Laguna Woods couple Don and Deanna Ader, 78 and 75, were among the first to receive the prize in the parking lot on Wednesday. They waited in line for a little over an hour before getting their shots.

‘It was painless and ready to go; it’s a great service that they provide. No side effects for me and my wife, ‘said Don.

So far, Orange County has received more than 170,000 vaccines and plans to open five mass vaccination sites after Disneyland.

County officials say the goal is to administer 7,500 to 8,000 vaccinations a day at their super test sites and, ideally, all five sites together would administer 40,000 doses daily.

A healthcare professional attends a COVID-19 patient at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center intensive care unit during the coronavirus pandemic in San Jose, California, on Wednesday

A healthcare professional attends a COVID-19 patient at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center intensive care unit during the coronavirus pandemic in San Jose, California, on Wednesday

On Wednesday, the state announced it would allow everyone aged 65 and over to receive the vaccine at the next level after declaring that it would apply to people aged 75 and over, according to an updated federal government statement.

On Wednesday, the state announced it would allow everyone aged 65 and over to receive the vaccine at the next level after declaring that it would apply to people aged 75 and over, according to an updated federal government statement.

California is focusing on vaccinating health workers, nursing home residents and people at risk of contracting the virus at work, teachers and farm workers will be vaccinated to the next level.

On Wednesday, the state announced it would allow everyone aged 65 and over to receive the vaccine after declaring that it would apply to people aged 75 and over. The announcement is in line with an updated federal government statement.

“There is no higher priority than delivering these vaccines efficiently and equitably as quickly as possible to those facing the most serious consequences,” said Governor Gavin Newsom in a statement. “Individuals aged 65 and over are now the next group eligible to start receiving vaccines.”

Orange County was the first region to expand the vaccine to older residents after the CDC announcement.

On the other hand, the Los Angeles County Health Director said the county will not immediately vaccinate people 65 and older because there are hundreds of thousands of health workers who have not yet been vaccinated.

The state also announced on Wednesday that it will launch a new system to let people know if they are eligible to receive a vaccine or sign up to be notified when it is.
