Republican Senator Sasse criticizes the Republican Party of Nebraska for “strange adoration” of Trump after a state party’s rebuke

The Republican Party of Nebraska on Saturday “formally rebuked” Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) For his vote to oust former President Trump earlier this year, although he stopped before formal censorship, reports CNN.

Why does it matter: Sasse is the latest among a list of Republicans who have faced some form of punishment from their state party apparatus after voting for the impeachment of the former president. The senator responded to the statement on Saturday, according to the Omaha World-Herald, saying “most Nebraskans don’t think politics should be about a guy’s strange worship”

The end result: “Senator Sasse’s sentencing to President Trump and his support for President Trump’s impeachment have been widely used several times by Democrats as a justification for a truncated impeachment process that has denied the President due process,” the resolution said, according to CNN.

  • The party expressed “deep disappointment and sadness about Senator Ben Sasse’s service and calls for an immediate readjustment by which he represents the people of Nebraska to Washington and not Washington to the people of Nebraska.”

Sasse was first scolded by the party in 2016, but was re-elected last fall with 63% of the vote, which is about 5 points more than Trump won in Nebraska.

Go deeper … Trump’s blunt weapon: GOP state leaders
