REPORT: CDC will recommend that vaccinated people socialize only with other vaccinated people at home

According to press reports, the CDC will soon release its guidelines on what it will say is “totally safe” [Covid] vaccinated “people to do:” socialize only with other people vaccinated at home.

The following is an excerpt from an article on WebMD:

The CDC will recommend that vaccinated people try to socialize only with other vaccinated people at home. They must still wear masks elsewhere while observing other security measures, such as social detachment, Politico said, citing two unidentified senior government officials.

In describing the future direction during a press conference on Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, medical director of President Biden, said:

“I use the example of a daughter who comes from another city who is doubly vaccinated, and a husband and wife doubly vaccinated, and maybe a neighbor you know is doubly vaccinated,” said Fauci. “Small meetings at people’s homes, I think you can clearly feel that the risk – the relative risk is so low that you wouldn’t have to wear a mask, that you could have a good social gathering at home.”

The new guidance was expected to be released today, but the Politico later said the rules were postponed. A new date for publication is not yet clear.

When published, the CDC’s guidance should describe how vaccinated Americans should respond in certain settings, such as during travel, the Politico said.

The guidance comes as more people are vaccinated and coronavirus cases and deaths are decreasing across the country, but health experts warn that “normality” is still a long way off.

Read more here.

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