Relieve leg pain and stress with this compression massager

The compression and heating functions of the AIR-C + HEAT also provide natural pain relief. If you are experiencing pain and muscle tension, simply tie the AIR-C + HEAT and increase the compression to undo the knots, loosen the muscles and increase blood flow for affordable home therapy.

Finally, you don’t even have to be in pain to enjoy AIR-C + HEAT. You can use it while reading a book, sitting at the computer or lying down for a relaxing, stress-free massage. The AIR-C + HEAT’s comfort and pain relief make it a hit with users, gaining more than 4.5 out of 5 verified buyers.

Whether you lead an active lifestyle, work a demanding job or simply need stress relief, the Re-Athlete AIR-C + HEAT can provide the therapy you are looking for. Usually sold for $ 189, you can now buy an AIR-C + HEAT for sale for $ 116 using HOLIDAY20. This represents an additional 20% discount on the sale price.

Prices are subject to change.

Engadget is teaming up with StackSocial to bring you offers on the latest headphones, gadgets, tech toys and tutorials. This post does not constitute editorial endorsement, and we won a share of all sales. If you have any questions about the products you see here or previous purchases, please contact StackSocial support here.
