Refusal of penalties for the Covid-19 vaccine in some countries

Some countries are refining their Covid-19 vaccination arguments to the public: take a chance or face a possible penalty.

With vaccination campaigns increasing worldwide and a shortage of supplies, governments are looking for ways to ensure that resisters do not undermine efforts to vaccinate enough people to obtain collective immunity.

Penalties range from fines and restricted access to public places to threats of loss of priority access to vaccines.

Indonesia has already imposed fines for refusing vaccination of about $ 356 – or more than a month’s wages on average, according to the country’s gross domestic product per capita.

Israel, home to the launch of the world’s fastest Covid-19 vaccine, drew a firm line between those who received and did not receive the vaccines by revealing plans on Sunday to reopen society. Those with so-called green passports, which prove vaccination, can enter gyms, hotels and, eventually, travel without quarantine. Holdouts, Israel’s health minister said, “will be left behind”.
