Red Dead Redemption 2 is Steam’s Game of the Year

Join the fire, fellows, the votes for the annual Steam awards have arrived and you have decided that Rockstar’s cowboy adventure, Red Dead Redemption 2, was the game of the year in 2020. Come take a look to find out if something you voted for the award ended up winning a victory.

RDR2 took first place for the game of the year, which I cannot personally discuss. I may even have voted in favor, but I have slept since. I certainly played the online part of the game a lot in 2020. Despite a difficult launch in several stores when it arrived on the PC in late 2019, it seems that everyone must have agreed with it too.

It also guaranteed the victory of “game with an exceptional history”, which I cannot speak about because I was totally absorbed by RDO and never touched the singleplayer. A crime, I know. Here is Matthew Castle in this video review to talk about that part.

Unsurprisingly, Half-Life: Alyx won the votes for “virtual reality game of the year”. I didn’t play alone, but it sure looks like it would have been a drag for Valve’s own game not to take him home, right? Graham dubbed it “the Half-Life game you’ve been waiting for” in his review of Half-Life: Alyx, so it certainly looks deserved.

As for the other prizes, Fall Guys is “better with friends”, while The Sims 4 takes home “sit back and relax” – many EA games came to Steam just last year, remember. Ori And The Will Of The Wisps won the top marks for visual style and Doom Eternal won the soundtrack award. You can identify the winners in the remaining categories on Steam.

By the way, the winter Steam Promotion is also about to end. You have until 10am PST / 6pm GMT tomorrow, January 5th to get your latest purchases on sale. If you need a little help deciding what to buy, here’s what you should buy in the Steam promotion.

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