Recreational marijuana legalization project leaves the first committee

“This is important for two reasons: number one – we want to make sure that we foster this brand new industry that we hope and hope will create thousands of jobs across the state – but number two, we also want to make sure that we undermine the illicit market” , said deputy Martinez

Rival House Bill 17 was delivered after lawmakers spent hours debating the two bills.

“We need to speed up and move one forward and I hope they can get the best out of both and then they all co-sponsor,” said Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson.

Republican Congressman Luis Terrazas pointed to a recent study that showed that traffic deaths increased in Colorado after marijuana legalization.

“One of the articles I read was that traffic deaths increased 75 per year there,” said Mr Terrazas at the committee’s hearing.

However, the study cited by Rep. Terrazas also showed that it was not the case in Washington state after legalization – and that traffic deaths remained relatively stable.

“I think the data that came out of [New Mexico] The working group in 2019 was that the increase in DWI around cannabis use increased somewhat immediately after legalization and then was negligible, ”said Ben Lewinger, of the Cannabis Chamber of Commerce.

Lawmakers agreed to approve the Chamber’s bill12, which now heads to its next committee – the Chamber’s Taxation and Revenue Committee.

“I believe that passing this on to the next committee is a challenge, but time is running out and I believe that these processes are the time that we can do this – that is what we must do to produce the best product,” said Rep. Roger Montoya.

However, some lawmakers expressed concern about the move.

“A major concern with these bills is that they tie the hands of the authorities.” said Rep. Luis Terrazas. “I am concerned that, with so many other issues surrounding legalization, we may be preparing this project to fail and, ultimately, harm our state in the process. Although I do not agree with this legislation, the legislation that we hear today is premature and is not ready to become law. “
