Rebekah Jones, COVID-19 data analyst, arrested, positive test

Former Florida data scientist Rebekah Jones was arrested on charges of hacking the state’s emergency response system – and later learned that her test was positive for COVID-19.

Jones – who said she was fired from the state Department of Health in May for refusing to change coronavirus data – surrendered late Sunday, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

Her lawyer, Steve Dobson, said Jones, 31, was tested for COVID-19 after being sued at the Leon County Detention Center, and learned that she was positive on Monday.

She is accused of illegally accessing Florida’s emergency health alert system, including sending a message on November 10 to state officials dealing with the pandemic, asking them to “speak before 17,000 others die”.

“You know this is wrong. You don’t have to be a part of it. Be a hero. Speak before it’s too late, ”said the message.

Authorities broke into Jones’ home in December, seizing his computers and other data equipment.

Jones – who has openly criticized the way Governor Ron DeSantis is dealing with the pandemic and questioned the validity of the state’s COVID data – maintained his innocence.

Rebekah Jones
Rebekah Jones, the Florida data scientist who was arrested.

In a Twitter statement on Saturday, she said there was an arrest warrant and that she would surrender “to protect my family from ongoing police violence and to show that I am ready to fight whatever they play against me”.

“The governor will not win his war against science and freedom of expression. He will not silence those who speak, ”she wrote.

Jones was accused of unauthorized access to a computer system, which carries a sentence of up to five years in prison.

She was released on Monday on $ 2,500 bail after appearing in court.

“We will vigorously defend this case, ” said his lawyer.
