RAW Superstar wants to face Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns and Edge (exclusive)

WWE champion Drew McIntyre and universal champion Roman Reigns are the two stars at the top of the WWE list now. Joining Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns in the main event is now Edge, winner of the Royal Rumble in 2021 Former NXT Superstar Damian Priest has now declared that he is looking forward to facing these three men.

During a conversation with SK Wrestling’s Rick Ucchino, Damian Priest named Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, Edge, and a few more Superstars like the ones he’s looking forward to.

“You have Drew McIntyre, you have Roman Reigns, you have Edge, and Randy, and Bray” – Damian Priest about who he wants to face

Damian Priest said he wants to face everyone on RAW, especially the well-known names and the biggest stars like Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, Edge, Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt.

“If I follow this path, I will nominate everyone. There is so much talent, you know, I want to work with everyone. But selfishly, yes, I want to be the guy. I want to be on top of the show. I have to look at the stars. bigger and my goal is to get to this plateau where I’m consistently at it and look at it like that at the main event. I’m working with family names, you have McIntyre, you have Roman, you have Edge, Randy, Bray and all these guys. , I can say that if I continue, I’ll name them all. I’m looking forward to everything, but of course there are some who are a little bit taller. And those are just, they’re the champions. They’re the ones who carry the brands, they’re the ones that are basically the face of the company. And those are the ones that I definitely want to mix in the ring with. To show that I belong or to see if I belong. Anyway, I need to do this not only for everyone else, but I need to prove it. myself that okay, I belong here. “

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Published on February 7, 2021, 19:20 IST
