Rant and Rave: Pandemic Halloween, destabilization of Gamecock football, voting strategy | Rant Rave

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For Halloween, I will have children go out the back door, go to the front door, and give them some candy. Yes.

Why not pay a high school football coach to train the Gamecocks? They can also miss football games as the million dollar coach can at a fraction of the cost.

From the liberal white Gamecock fan. Black Lives Matter. Defund Gamecock football now.

No one has ever won an election that I voted for. I think I’m going to vote for Trump.

About the person commenting on the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. (Rant and Rave, October 21) The Russians are absolutely NOT throwing them out. Russian President Putin has passed the ORDER to his special spy agent, Agent Orange 45, and HE is ordering them to leave! For a previous encounter with a group of Russian “Volunteers”, our TROOPS do not chase easily!

It’s so funny when Republicans call Democrats “socialists” and Democrats call Republicans “fascists”. Both are so far removed from objective reality. I wish the Democrats were socialists. Better yet, it would be nice if they retreated to the military industrial complex. I don’t think I’ll be invited to the DNC country club.

Post and Courier, did you endorse Graham? Go back to Charleston with this s #! Tand leave your free time alone. I’m tired of throwing away the “wrap” to get to the content I want.

Donald doesn’t have much to say about the second term’s agenda, except that he will finish what he started. He will therefore make sure Mexico does NOT pay for the wall, he will NOT provide better health care, he WILL further DANGER the environment, he will RIP the US Constitution even more, it will INSULAR AND ALIENATE our allies even more, launch more TANTRUMES, watch more TV and play more GOLF.

I just heard the president say that we were “bending the curve” with COVID-19. What is the most dangerous lie so far. Your attitude will clearly cause more deaths… does not seem to penetrate its selfish and ignorant barricade of the truth for its own gain.

Scoppe: As the second wave approaches, South Carolina celebrates on the beach

I have an Ivy League health program. I brush my teeth with Colgate. I clean my ass with Brown.

I think I saw Mothman at the Columbia Canal embankment a few hours before it collapses in the flood. We should have warning cameras at the Lake Murray dam.

I was watching some WWII documentaries about Nat Geo the other day and I was surprised at how much Hitler’s speeches reminded me of Trump’s campaign rallies.

Lindsey Graham voted against keeping insurance for people with pre-existing illnesses. Check out. 16 other senators voted in favor of this bill. But if you listen to Graham’s commercials, he says it’s PLEASE cover the pre-existing conditions. Like Trump, he is lying. Trump is in court now trying to fight it. We pay unbelievable amounts of money in taxes. We deserve better health care. Republican or Democrat, no one trusts a liar. These two idiots are very good at this.

I love my bandana! Bank robbery, cattle theft, train theft functionality. Approved by Dr. Save The Herd Fauci. Black, brown, white, red, yellow. They are all good. Be the first in your block to exhibit this new fashion trend, cowpokes.

If Trump really had a health plan, it would be called “Trump I don’t care. “

Despite blue hands and blue lips, Senator Mitch McConnell says he has no health problems. Is that a cyborg? Is the real Mitch McConnell still alive?

The final check of the presidential debate undoubtedly shows that Trump errors (lies) are evident. By commission. Bidens are errors of omission

We have reached a point in this country where there is simply A LOT OF MONEY involved in the elections. Our incumbent president openly said he could use the quid pro quo with a giant company to get tens of millions of dollars in cash for the campaign. When we take all that money out of politics, we will have improved the game and, hopefully, our lives.

From this American voter, thanks to the majority of the Democratic Congress for trying to help Americans during this time of so many needs, only to have their efforts thwarted by a self-serving Republican Senate led by McConnell! We voters will take over from here!

New PSA: “School funding for the arts has been cut by 90% in the past 20 years. No wonder people think Lindsay Graham is a cracker. “

To live. Laugh. Poo.

Extravagant people shake the bird with their pinky out.

I have something I want to put in your column, please. Hi? Hi? Oh s #! T.

Hey, Cindi Boisterous, you can’t talk a little about your left arm, swinging wing, everything has to be bad. Good God, lady. You know, damn it. We have to suffer with Casper magazine, its speeches, everything about it just above, above and outside, and that’s it.

Why didn’t the teddy bear want dessert? He was stuffed.

I just want you to type a little bit about how Post and Courier really blew it this time changing the magazine so much. They turned it into a miniature newspaper. And it will not sell because those papers are scattered everywhere. No one else is taking them, they are so disgusting. If you want to, take this into account, you will not sell any ads for that object because there is nothing we want to read.

Could someone tell Rick Henry on the news that he is no longer looking directly at me? He’s looking to the side when he’s talking.

My grandson has a skeleton as a toy. Stay on my skin.

Save water. Bathing with friends.

Fight the power: sweatshirt - good for comfort, good for protest

We are sure that we are a lucky planet. We are the right size, circling the right distance, from the right size star, we are kept tilted only to the right by the gravity of our next large moon. Water, the substance of life, actually falls from the sky. Our atmosphere is neither too thick nor too thin, with enough oxygen and the right amounts of greenhouse gases. Or it was. I don’t think we realize how lucky we are.

What do you call when you sit at the wallet and fart? Money for gasoline.

Hardly anyone in public life talks about the good things that have happened in the past 40 years or more. Improving sanitation and agriculture has saved hundreds of millions of lives. Perhaps a billion or more people have come out of absolute poverty. Despite recent increases, the rate of violent crime in the USA is much lower than in 1990. Etc., etc. Politicians certainly don’t talk about it. Is it because they didn’t find a way to take credit for it?
