Random: Nintendo has a problem with its Joy-Con switch, and we’re not talking about drift

Over the years, since the launch of the Nintendo Switch, we’ve seen a wide variety of variations of Joy-Con controls. With so many colors on the market, you he must be able to find a Joy-Con to express your individual personality.

However, IGN’s big shot, Peer Schneider, noticed a glaring problem – and no, it has nothing to do with analog deviations. There are simply many shades of red in the variations on sale.

In a recent tweet, Peer shows a picture of Neon Red, Super Mario Odyssey Red, Splatoon rosa and Joy-Con together with Mario Red & Blue Edition. And we have to admit, he’s right – they’re all notably similar, with only one much slight hue difference between them. He also claims that there are colors in the spectrum that Nintendo has not yet used for Joy-Con – perhaps now is the time to do so.

At least Peer is impressed that the Switch UI can differentiate them when embedded in the system. That’s a nice touch!

We are still coming to terms with the two shades of blue on display with the recently revealed Limited Edition Zelda: Skyward Sword Joy-Cons. Come on, Nintendo. Choose a shade of blue and stick with it.

Let us know what you think about all of this with a comment below.
