Rage 2 will be free at the Epic Games Store next week

Remember Rage 2? No? Let’s take a step back. Remember Rage? Well, Id Software’s often overlooked FPS sequence will be free to stay on the Epic Games Store next week, so maybe enough people now play it so it stays in the collective memory. I actually heard some good things about Rage 2, an open-world affair made with Mad Max Devs Avalanche, but they escaped the ear quickly enough that I was surprised to be reminded of its existence when it came up on Epic.

Rage 2 leaned towards the open world aspects of the first, with a strange, wasteland that housed many side missions. The sequel also gave us superhero powers. Vidbud Matthew really liked some parts of it:

Just like Matt Cox in our written review of Rage 2, also with some reservations.

“The parts I like outweigh the parts I don’t like,” he said. “I have my strange NPCs, my Ark hunt, my Whoopinkoffs and Dimbledicks. I have found all the Arks, now, but I still intend to play between the side activities.”

I think it’s that warm 7/10 vibration that made it escape my brain. But for free, now that you’ve had some content updates and removed Denuvo? I will definitely remember this time. I’m making a note. And post it so you can also make a note.

Rage 2 will be available for free for souvenirs at the Epic Games Store from 4pm Thursday, the 18th, until the 25th. Epic will also offer Absolute Drift, a very fun top-down racing game about refusing to drive to the ahead during that period.
