Rachel Lindsay disables Instagram amid Bachelor’s reaction

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Photograph: Noel Vasquez (Getty Images)

Rachel Lindsay – who, as the first black woman to serve as a titular single, has often found herself in a position to criticize, mediate and bring to light the multiple problems of the franchise in relation to race – she has now disabled her Instagram account, after “fans” of the show have become toxic and abusive towards her. That, in the wake of the controversy currently surrounding the controversial prone reality series, as a longtime host Chris Harrison announced that he was “taking a step forwardside of the program for a while following an interview with Lindsay in which he left the defensive on behalf of a competitor who was photographed participating in a “Plantation Party” invoking the tropes and aesthetics of the slave Antebellum South.

In your role as Extra correspondent, Lindsay walked, with ease, The incredibly complex tightrope in this interview, a that Bmiss woman are often required to perform—simultaneously coming out as a moral voice of deserved indignation, a cold and objective evaluator of the issues on display and a warm and pleasant TV presence. (Harrison, however, rambled on about the “awake police” and tried to insist that no one knew he shouldn’t dress like a slave owner in 2018.) All of this apparently earned her, for her job, the discouraging, but not unexpected, tide , from the online abuse that followed.

Per Variety, Lindsay’s departure from social media was announced by her podcast co-host, Van Lathan, who noticed on his own social networks that his friend “Dbecause it’s how much hate she’s getting from Bachelor fans, who are spamming her with all kinds of rude and hateful things to say. ”(He also shot Harrison, nicknamed him“a 49-year-old man who can’t read the room 2021 times. ”)

Rachael Kirkconnell, the Bachelor competitor whose photographs started this last iteration of The bachelor: still has problems with race, huh?, have since joined several other voices in the franchise, asking fans not to attack Lindsay for her reasonable interrogation of both Harrison’s own actions and statements.

There is still no word on when, if ever, Harrison should return to the franchise.
