Rachael Kirkconnell defends Matt James amid ‘single’ separation

Days after the most uncomfortable Bachelor At the end of the story, Rachael Kirkconnell, also known as the pre-war party boy who was dismissed by Matt James, is expressing anger at his supporters about how they are behaving after the couple’s separation. Posting to Instagram Stories on March 17, Kirkconnell said he was aware of the rampant online vitriol directed at James on social media, which included comments on his personal Instagram page. Since then, she has disabled comments on some of her photos. “I am surprised by what I saw tonight. If you think that attacking a person I like with racist insults is what I would always want, you have not heard, ”wrote Kirkconnell. “Some of the things I saw being said about and about Matt are disgusting. I respect the decisions that Matt had to make during that experience. If you are directing hatred towards him, please stop. Acknowledge someone’s humanity and think about the impact your words have. “

Photo: Rachel Kirkconnel / Instagram

On Mondays Bachelor In the end, James confirmed that he and Kirkconnell are no longer a couple because of their racist and offensive behavior in the past. (They ended the season by committing themselves to each other as romantic partners, instead of making a conventional offer.) As the season aired, it became public that Kirkconnell had attended a pre-war themed party during college and had a history of “liking” Confederate images on social media. When asked about it during the finale, James said that learning the extent of Kirkconnell’s past was “painful” and that she “may not understand what it means to be black in America”. He added: “If you don’t understand that something like this is problematic in 2018, there is a lot of me that you won’t understand. It’s that simple. “James also reiterated that he has no intention of reconciling with her.
