Quick access: The Taxi Squad Edition

How the Detroit Red Wings plans to use the taxi squad – and what can change

“If they are good at self-assessment, they can look at it and find out what they need to improve,” said Blashill on Saturday. “What they can control is self-assessment, what I need to do to improve in order to win a place. That’s what you get for being around the NHL guys and practicing with them. Then, the other part, you get a lot of individual attention with our skill development group. “

My favorite taxi squad was made up of Andy Kaufman.

Ottawa senators greet Alex Trebek with a moment of silence before the game

Trebek, 80, died on November 8, almost two years after revealing that he had pancreatic cancer. He surprised Senator fans a month before his death with a video message during the NHL draft, announcing Ottawa’s choice for striker Tim Stutzle with the third overall choice.

Apparently, one of the few things in the past year that brought people together was love for Alex Trebek and sadness when he died.
