Proposal for permanent fencing of the Capitol generates bipartisan resistance

The tall, imposing fence around the Capitol has come to sum up the debate over security concerns after the January 6 riot against ensuring that citizens are not isolated from their government, and a proposal by the Capitol Police this week to make her permanent is causing bipartisan slack.

Both local leaders and members of Congress are opposing it. Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel BowserMuriel BowserScrutiny grows with the presence of the National Guard in Capitol The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – Which path will Democrats follow in the COVID-19 bill? Bowser says DC ‘won’t accept’ permanent fences around Capitol PLUS (D) said the city government “would not accept” permanent fences around the Capitol, swearing it would fall “when the time is right”

Rep. Elise StefanikElise Marie StefanikHouse Republicans ask for information about threats to keep the National Guard in DC Lincoln Project reaches Stefanik in a new announcement on support for Trump Wyoming county votes to censor Liz Cheney for Trump’s impeachment vote MORE (RN.Y.) stated that he was “vehemently” opposed to surrounding the “People’s House”, while deputy Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass.) Said that “it is a mistake to turn the house of our democracy into a fortress.”

But for now, the days of allowing even passing corridors to approach the building and a few feet from lawmakers moving across campus are suspended, as threats continue to increase.

The January 6 uprising by thousands of former President TrumpDonald TrumpPalm Beach reviewing Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence Immigration reform can’t wait on money: five questions about the controversial GameStop | Biden and Yellen call for quick action on new aid MORESupporters who try to stop Congress from certifying President Biden’s electoral victory, which resulted in the death of five people, including a Capitol police officer, now have the Capitol trying to mitigate what the Department of Homeland Security considered a domestic terrorist threat.

Anyone currently entering the Capitol complex must pass through two layers of tall fences – around the Capitol grounds, as well as nearby office buildings – and pass through thousands of National Guard members who are expected to be stationed there in March, during Trump’s impeachment trial after the city center was effectively closed for Biden to take over against extremists who threatened the transition of power.

Yogananda Pittman, acting Capitol Police Chief, called for a permanent fence on Thursday, noting that a 2006 security assessment recommended such a move and that security experts argued for stricter protections for the Capitol even before 11/11. September.

“In light of recent events, I can say unequivocally that major improvements in physical security infrastructure must be made to include permanent fences and the availability of ready support forces near the Capitol,” said Pittman in a statement.

Rep. Tim RyanTimothy (Tim) RyanJim Jordan says he will not run for the Senate in 2022 Ohio’s deputy governor will not run for Portman’s seat in the Senate The Capitol Police chief apologizes, admits failures in the department in the turmoil MORE (D-Ohio), the chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee that oversees funding for the legislature, said that any change in the Capitol’s security posture would likely come after discussions with security experts and looking at how other legislatures around the world deal with threats.

“Obviously, we’re going to take recommendations from security people who know a lot more about it than we do and see what threat assessments are and then see how we can do that by balancing accessibility to Capitol,” said Ryan.

Members of the House and Senate endowment committees are also reviewing requests for additional funding from the Capitol Police and arms sergeants to address security issues for the Capitol campus and individual members of Congress. It is not yet clear when Congress will approve the extra funding.

“Obviously, there are significant costs associated with the security footprint,” said the senator. Chris MurphyChristopher (Chris) Scott MurphyHow McConnell derailed Trump’s impeachment trial before he started Schumer promises to move forward with Trump’s trial despite the setback The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden: Focus on vaccine, viruses, travel MORE (D-Conn.), Ryan’s counterpart in the Senate who oversees legislative funding.

The House passed a similar funding measure in 2017, after the baseball pitch in Congress, which almost cost the House Minority Whip Steve ScaliseStephen (Steve) Joseph ScaliseGOP has a growing problem with Marjorie Taylor Greene Boycott the false impeachment The Memorandum: Biden bets he can do everything MORE (R-La.) Your life, to give lawmakers an extra $ 25,000 for security needs.

In the past, lawmakers have also been able to use campaign funds to pay for home security.

No speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiHuman Rights Campaign calls for the removal of Marjorie Taylor Greene from the committees. Democrat calls for hearings to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene Capitol Police to lie in honor at Rotunda MORE (D-California) nor Senate Majority Leader Charles SchumerChuck Schumer Immigration reform cannot wait Psaki hopes Mayorkas, a DHS nominee, will head the task force to bring separate families together. Biden DHS chooses advances in the Senate, removing Republican obstacle MORE (DN.Y.) took a stand on permanent fences around the Capitol.

“The speaker awaits General Honoré’s final assessment to understand what infrastructure changes are needed to ensure the security of the United States Capitol Complex,” said spokesman Drew Hammill, referring to the post-January period. 6 security review ordered by Pelosi.

Schumer said that “I would tend to give in to experts about what is the safest way to be,” but that “there should be both. Security and right of access to the building. “

Security officials have raised the idea of ​​a fence around the Capitol for decades, including after the 9/11 attacks.

In 2004, the Capitol Police chief at the time argued that a physical barrier would increase security and put the estimated cost of $ 15 million to $ 50 million.

“The impact of his lack is felt every day and is shown in the number of personnel needed and in our budget,” said Terrance Gainer, the capitol police chief at the time, before a Senate panel.

Lawmakers from both parties rejected the idea of ​​making the Capitol complex less accessible to the public, and the proposal was never implemented.

But the current fence – and the debate over maintaining it to avoid external threats – will not contain Democrats’ concerns that some of their own Republican colleagues pose internal threats.

Some House Republicans were open about carrying weapons on Capitol grounds, refused to comply with the newly installed metal detectors outside the House Chamber, and in the case of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Appeared in the past to endorse execution of prominent Democrats, including Pelosi, in social media posts.

“The enemy is inside the House of Representatives,” Pelosi said in an extraordinary statement on Thursday.

Asked to clarify what she meant, Pelosi replied: “This means that we have members of Congress who want to bring weapons to the ground and have threatened violence against other members of Congress.”

On Friday, Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-Mo.) Revealed that she is moving her office to the Greene corridor in the Longworth House Office Building, after the two first-term lawmakers entered into a verbal discussion about wearing masks. earlier this month.

“In the context of Taylor Greene’s repeated endorsements of the execution of Democratic politicians before taking office, Taylor Greene’s renewed and repeated opposition to the black lives movement last month directed at me personally is of grave concern,” Bush said in an announcement.
