Professor Justin Bethel teaches ‘Uninterrupted’ followers the language of South Carolina

New Englanders know better than most about the regional dialect. From “wicked” to “bubbly”, we are used to having to explain what we mean and, although Justin Bethel is from South Carolina, he also wins the fight.

Thus, Professor Bethel decided to solve the problem on his own to explain the “slanguage” of his hometown. In a video posted by “Uninterrupted”, Bethel gives a lesson on what “Gaae Dey Bo” means.

Essentially, the phrase is used as an exclamation, but we are going to let Bethel go from here.

“I know what you’re asking: what the hell does that mean? For my non-southerners who speak English better than this, where we said, ‘Gaae dey bo, this is a great game,'” explains Bethel. “‘Wow, I don’t believe in this game.’ The beautiful thing about it here is that you can share and use it in different ways. “

Bethel says you can use “gaae dey” or just “bo” to add emphasis. The more you know.

“There you are, you’re welcome,” says Bethel with a smile on the video.

You can check out Professor Bethel’s full explanation and the video below.
