Prince Philip is infected and will be in London hospital for several days, says the palace

“The Duke of Edinburgh remains at King Edward VII Hospital, where he is receiving medical attention because of an infection. He is comfortable and responding to treatment, but must not leave the hospital for several days,” the palace said in a statement.

Prince Philip was taken to the hospital last Tuesday after “feeling bad,” said Buckingham Palace.

On Monday, his grandson, Prince William, said the 99-year-old man was “fine” and that the hospital staff was “watching him”.

Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh receive Covid-19 vaccine

Prince William made the comments during a visit to a vaccination center in Norfolk, England, on Monday.

Prince Philip, who turns 100 in June, withdrew from public life in 2017 and has been taken to the hospital several times in recent years. In December 2019, he received hospital treatment for a pre-existing illness.

His last admission was not an emergency, according to a royal source, who said he traveled to King Edward VII Hospital by car and entered without assistance. The source added that the disease was not related to Covid-19.

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The couple spent most of last year at Windsor Castle, having moved out of Buckingham Palace during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in spring 2020.
