Prince Harry and Meghan Markle update the Archewell Foundation website

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are ending 2020 on a very positive note. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex updated the Archewell Foundation nonprofit website with a letter stating their desire to “build a better world, one act of compassion at a time”.

Along with sweet childhood photos of their mothers, Princess Diana and Doria Ragland, Harry and Meghan wrote about the “compassion and kindness” they experienced in their lives. “I am the son of my mother and I am the mother of our child,” says the letter for 2021. “Together, we bring you Archewell. We believe in the best of humanity. Because we have seen the best of humanity … From our mothers and strangers. “

He continues: “In the face of fear, struggle and pain, it can be easy to lose sight of it. Together, we can choose courage, healing and connection. Together, we can choose to put compassion into action.”

The update to the Archewell website, complete with a stylish new monochrome logo, also shares announcements about new partnerships and work they have been doing throughout the year. The news includes details of the foundation’s partnership with former Google design ethics expert Tristan Harris, who co-founded the Center for Humane Technology in 2013, to support research on ways to create safer and more compassionate online communities.

The couple also shared details about establishing an Archewell Foundation Fund for the UCLA Center for Critical Internet (C2i2) research center, which advocates racial and economic justice in the technology sector. The center’s co-director, Dr. Safiya Noble, who appeared in a conversation with the couple TIMEThe TIME100 Talks event in October praised Sussex’s efforts to illuminate the problems of equality and structural racism.

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are deeply committed to using their light to illuminate the problems of structural inequality and racism,” said the author and professor at UCLA in a statement shared with “We have a shared commitment and sense of urgency to create a more compassionate world, much of which is hampered by Internet platforms. I know what they stand for, I share their mission. We look forward to lending our research experience and networks to our mutual work in the urgent issues of Internet politics and culture that are accelerating racial, gender and economic inequality. “

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This collaboration between C2i2 and the Archewell Foundation will be built on the center’s existing network of academics, professionals, activists and artists who work with racial justice and impact on the community through research, culture creation and public policy. “We are excited about this partnership with the Archewell Foundation, which strengthens the necessary research on the role of the Internet in society,” said Tina Christie, dean of the School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA.

Community well-being is a major focus for the Archewell Foundation, with issues like online bullying, hate speech on social media and technology addiction topping the list of its efforts. “We listen to people and their communities, help them tell their stories, put real actions behind our words and highlight a new generation of leadership,” says the website about the impact-driven nonprofit’s ambitions.

Elevating offline communities is just as important to Archewell. A spokesman for the couple also announced today, December 31, that the organization is partnering with The Loveland Foundation, a United States-based initiative that focuses on providing support and resources in affordable mental health therapy for women and men. black girls.

Earlier this month, the Archewell Foundation also shared news of a joint philanthropic partnership with World Central Kitchen to provide funding for four Community Aid Centers to be built in areas affected by hunger. Work on the first building, located in Dominica, is already underway.

“Archewell elevates communities through non-profit partnerships and creative activations,” said press secretary Toya Holness in a statement. “It is a place where compassion is important, communities come together and narrative is the engine. The website has been updated to reflect the work that Archewell has undertaken throughout 2020 and to create a place for people and communities around the world. share their stories. “

Along with the website updates are details about the duke and duchess’s partnerships with Netflix and Spotify. In 2021 and beyond, their creative vehicles, Archewell Productions and Archewell Audio, will use impacting storytelling and narratives to empower a wide range of voices and communities, as well as highlight issues of social injustice around the world.

The couple also appealed to those interested in the foundation’s work, asking people to share stories of how they, or someone they know, had acted with compassion in the past year.

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