Portman’s exit highlights republican identity crisis

Sen’s surprise withdrawal. Rob PortmanRobert (Rob) Jones PortmanTrump, allies increase pressure on the Republican Party before the impeachment. Portman’s planned departure leaves Ohio free for everyone Tim Ryan says he’s “seriously thinking” about running for Portman in the Senate MORE (R-Ohio), a high-profile moderate who is close to the Bush family and the Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellSchumer: The impeachment trial will be swift, it doesn’t need many witnesses McConnell: The power-sharing deal could go on after Manchin and Sinema return to the Budowsky obstruction: A summit on a state of emergency Biden-McConnell MORE (Ky.), It is the latest sign of turmoil in the Republican Party as it struggles with its identity in the post-Trump era.

On the day that Democrats forwarded an impeachment article to the Senate and Republicans wrestled with questions about President TrumpDonald TrumpSchumer: The impeachment trial will be swift, it doesn’t need many witnesses Nurse to be chosen by Biden as interim general surgeon: Schumer report asks Biden to declare climate emergency MOREjudgment of and the future of his party, Portman acknowledged feeling out of step with today’s political climate.

“Our country is now polarized. It’s kind of like shirts and furs, isn’t it? This makes it more difficult to find common ground because elected officials are not rewarded for it, ”he said at a news conference announcing that he would leave the Senate in late 2022.

“They are rewarded for playing red meat on a talk show. It does not help to solve the serious problems we face as a country, ”said Portman, a Bush White House veteran, whose type of pro-trade and pro-business republicanism sometimes clashed with Trump’s” America First “nationalism .

Portman generally downplayed the influence of today’s policy when discussing his retirement, but his decision was interpreted in Washington as another sign of a rapidly evolving GOP that is struggling to decide whether it is a Trump party or a party more similar to what existed before. of Trump’s rise.

Jeff Sadosky, a former senior adviser to Portman, said his former chief seems to be less comfortable in a Republican Party that is increasingly shaped by the extreme rhetoric and blunt style of the Trump era.

“I think it’s a sign that the party is aimed at those who have the biggest mouths, not those who have the best plans,” he said.

The Senate will vote in February on whether to condemn Trump for the House’s impeachment article, accusing him of inciting a crowd that attacked the Capitol on January 6.

A conviction would require 67 votes, meaning that at least 17 Republicans would need to join each Democrat. This is seen as highly unlikely in an environment where someone crossing Trump risks crossing his supporters and taking on a difficult challenge in the primaries.

Republican strategists and political observers speculated on Monday that Portman may have wanted to avoid the chances of facing a more pro-Trump Republican primary opponent, like the arsonist Rep. Jim JordanJames (Jim) Daniel JordanPortman planned exit triggers Portman’s retirement free for everyone in Ohio triggers appeals for LeBron James bids Senate Biden’s tenure marked by conflict of hope and fear MORE (Ohio).

“It seemed to me that he is concerned about the cross currents approaching 2022. He knows that Trump still has strong control over the Republican Party and Portman would likely face a major challenge and may not want the escalation,” said Darrell West, the director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution.

Portman acknowledged feeling pressure from both sides as the Senate prepares for Trump’s second impeachment trial, with some constituents asking why he is no longer outspoken in his criticisms of Trump and others demanding to know why he is not doing more to defend the former president.

“I understand on both sides. As you know, I always talked when I disagreed with Donald Trump and I always talked when I agreed with him about politics, for example, what I talked about in terms of tax reform, regulatory relief, energy policy, ”he said.

“There were times when I supported a lot in terms of policies, but substance is one thing and the tone and style are another,” he added. “I think we need to tone it down. And I always said that. “

Other Senate Republicans raised concerns about the direction of Trump’s party and asked him to reconstruct his identity based on the principles that defined him during the Reagan-Bush era.

“Where’s the Republican Party? Who really exemplifies the heart of the party now? … I think, in many ways, we are a party that is really struggling to identify itself, ”Sen. Lisa MurkowskiLisa Ann MurkowskiModerates promises to ‘be a force’ under the command of Biden Senators discuss the validity of Trump’s impeachment trial Trump’s impeachment trial will begin the week of February 8 MORE (R-Alaska) told reporters on Friday.

“We have some who have solidly identified themselves with Trump and will likely continue to identify themselves for many years, but you have many other people who were not really sold by Trump, but they fully embraced the policies,” she said.

Murkowski said he wants the Republican Party to return to the “big tent” approach to the Reagan years’ policy.

Sadosky noted that Portman still embraces the concepts of lower taxes, more efficient government, less regulation and free trade that have been the hallmarks of the Republican Party.

He said that Portman’s retirement is a sign that “there are many in the party who judge everything from the perspective of ‘How does this affect Trump?’ and not ‘How does this affect the American economy and American families?’ “

Portman’s move comes after the Republican senator. Pat ToomeyPatrick (Pat) Joseph ToomeyThe government used the Patriot Act to collect records of website visitors in 2019 The appeals court ruled that the mass collection of telephone data from the NSA is illegal. (Pa.), Another laser-focused policy expert who likes to work behind the scenes, announced in October that he would retire from politics in late 2022.

Toomey, like Portman, is known for his political acumen and pragmatism and is a close ally and adviser to McConnell.

Sen. Richard BurrRichard Mauze BurrPortman plans to leave for Ohio Portman does not run for re-election On The Money: Biden extends moratorium on eviction and student loan tolerance | Stocks reach record levels on Biden’s first day as president | Justice Department Closes Insider Trading Against Burr MORE (RN.C.), another longtime ally of McConnell, announced in 2016 that this would be his last term and is also expected to leave Congress at the end of next year.

The three pensions in Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina give Senate Democrats the chance to increase their slim majority in the midterm election.

Now that he is not running for re-election, more attention will fall on Portman as a potential Republican Party vote for compromise legislation on coronavirus relief and other measures.

Portman was one of more than a dozen senators who took part in a call on Sunday with the Director of the White House National Economic Council Brian DeeseBrian DeeseCollins: The minimum wage increase should be separated from the COVID-19 aid package The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden: Focus on vaccine, viruses, travel Moderates vow to ‘be a force’ under Biden MORE to discuss Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion COVID-19 aid package.

“I still have two more years in my term and I intend to use that time to do a lot,” said Portman, who will become the senior Republican on the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, in a statement.
