Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: “There are no two popes”

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI recalls that his resignation from the papacy was a “difficult choice”, but made “in full conscience”, believing that he did well.

By Vatican News

Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation from the papacy, which came into force eight years ago, [28 February 2013] it was a “difficult choice”, but made “in full awareness” – which he did not regret at all.

Once again, Pope Emeritus, albeit in a low voice, repeats what he has said several times to dismiss “somewhat fanatical friends” who continue to see “conspiracy theories” behind his decision to leave the Chair of St. Peter in retirement for old age reasons.

This was reiterated by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

A difficult but correct decision

“It was a difficult decision,” explains Pope Emeritus, “but I made it in full awareness and I think I did well. Some of my friends who are a little ‘fanatical’ are still angry; they didn’t want to accept my choice. I am thinking of the conspiracy theories that followed: those who said it was because of the Vatileaks scandal, those who said it was because of the case of the conservative Lefebvrian theologian, Richard Williamson. They didn’t want to believe it was a conscious decision, but my conscience is clear. “

Papal visit to Iraq

In the interview, Benedict XVI also spoke about Pope Francis’ next apostolic trip to Iraq.

“I think it is a very important trip,” he said. “Unfortunately, it arrives at a very difficult time that also makes it a dangerous trip for security reasons and also because of Covid-19. There is also the unstable situation in Iraq. I will accompany Francis with my prayers ”.
