Poll: Biden obtains higher approval rating in Texas than Governor Abbott

President Joe BidenJoe BidenBiden paves the way for new WTO director after Trump’s blockade NFL commissioner offers stadiums as vaccination sites Poll: Biden achieves higher approval rating in Texas than Governor Abbott MORE has a higher approval rating in the state of Texas than its governor, Greg Abbott (R), according to a new poll released Friday.

The poll, conducted by the Hobby School of Public Relations at the University of Houston, it shows that Biden has a 41 percent approval rating in the lone star state compared to Abbott’s 39 percent approval rating.

Harris Vice President and former President TrumpDonald TrumpChamber of Commerce is coming out: reports that Fox News Media cancels Lou Dobbs show. Republican Party lawmakers are calling for Pelosi to be fined for new exhibitions. MORE it also recorded a 39 percent approval rating, according to the survey.

Biden and Harris have disapproval rates of 42% and 43%, respectively.

Fifty-one percent of respondents said they disapproved of the former president, while 47% said they disapproved of the state senator. Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzDaines seeks to block Haaland’s confirmation into the interior of the Hillicon Valley: Democratic senators announce Section 230 reform project | Labor Council denies Amazon’s request to delay vote by local union | Robinhood suspends restrictions on GameStop and other actions Survey: Biden gets higher approval rating in Texas than Governor Abbott MORE (R).

The poll comes at a time when Abbott will be re-elected in 2022 and may face a challenge from the former Democratic representative. Beto O’RourkeBeto O’RourkePoll: Biden achieves a higher approval rating in Texas than Governor Abbott. Progressive poll shows Trump underwater in Texas after O’Rourke’s riot vies for governor of Texas MORE (Texas), who said last week that he is considering competing for the position.

Texas has been a trusted red state for a long time, but Democrats have seen an increase in support in the state in recent years and have struggled hard to turn the state over.

Trump won the state over Biden in the 2020 elections by just 5.5 points, a small margin compared to the 2016 election in which he won the state by more than 9 points against the former secretary of state Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonPoll: Biden gets a higher approval rating in Texas than Governor Abbott In Marjorie Taylor Greene, a glimpse of the future The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – House pulls Greene off the committees; Senate advances in budget MORE.

According to the poll, 55 percent disagree that the 2020 election was tainted by widespread electoral fraud, while 45 percent agree that there was widespread electoral fraud.

Trump and his allies have repeatedly unfounded allegations that the presidential election against Biden was “stolen” from him due to widespread electoral fraud. However, several state and federal election officials after the Nov. 3 election said the election was one of the safest in American history.

Critics of the former president and his allies believe that these allegations are what led a crowd of pro-Trump supporters to breach the security of the United States Capitol in early January, an incident that left several dead, including a police officer from the United States. Capitol.

The Hobby School of Public Relations at the University of Houston was conducted from January 12th to 20th in English and Spanish among 1,329 YouGov participants and has a margin of error of more or less 2.7 percentage points.
