Pokémon Go lunar new year event returns on February 9th, adds Mega Gyarados and more

The Pokémon Go Lunar New Year celebration is returning from February 9th to 14th. This year’s event will feature a line of timed research tasks around Tauros, as well as an increase in the generation of red-colored Pokémon and other game bonuses.

During the Lunar New Year event, Krabby, Goldeen, Magmar, Magikarp, Tepig and other red-colored Pokémon will appear in the jungle more often than normal. Gyarados will also appear, and you will have a chance to find a bright red Gyarados.

In addition to the spawns of wild Pokémon, Pokémon that are based on animals associated with the Lunar New Year – such as Ekans, Rattata, Torchic, Ponyta and others – will be incubating 5 km eggs during the event. You will also have a chance to find the following Pokémon in Raid Battles:

  • Star incursions: Meditite, Carvanha, Duskull, Skorupi and Darumaka
  • Three-star raids: Miltank, Octillery, Blaziken, Camerupt and Absol

These are not the only Raid bosses that will be available during the Lunar New Year event. Legendary Eon Pokémon Latios and Latias will also return to the five-star Raids from February 9 to February 20, while Mega Ampharos, Mega Pidgeot and rookie Mega Gyarados will be featured on Mega Raids during the same period.

Finally, Niantic will offer a variety of in-game bonuses during the Lunar New Year event. The gifts you receive from friends will contain more Poke Balls than usual, and you are more likely to become Lucky Friends with other players. In addition, the Pokémon you receive in trading are more likely to become Lucky. To take advantage of this bonus, Niantic is increasing the commercial distance to 40 km for the event.

In the meantime, the Team Go Rocket Celebration event is underway. February Community Day also takes place this weekend, while Suicune is returning to Raid Battles from February 4 to 9. You can see all the other big February events happening on Pokémon Go in our overview.

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