Pokémon Go holds makeup event to allow players without tickets to enter, allows players to enter without tickets

Illustration for the article titled Pokémon Go holds makeup event to allow players without tickets to enter, allows players to enter without tickets

Image: Niantic

It is now officially a trademark change for developer Niantic. Last month Pokémon Go players were accidentally released to the event with Kanto Tour tickets. To compensate, Niantic announced there would be a special bonus event for those who paid. It started today, and guess what: they let in people who didn’t pay.

During the February celebration of Pokémon25th anniversary, Pokémon Go presented a very expensive special event. Ceremembering the monsters’ original homeland, the Kanto region, they loaded hefty $ 12 to play. Then, when people found out they could participate without having bought a ticket, others were unhappy.

Niantic reacted quickly with apologies and announced that it would have a special bonus mission chain to compensate. This started yesterday in Australia and New Zealand, and with a perfect script writing –how Eurogamer reports-that was available soon for people who haven’t paid.

You have to think that the person responsible for activating the event was sitting at a computer with 80 different post-its stuck around the monitor and the table saying: “DO NOT OPEN FOR EVERYONE”, while several colleagues and bosses displayed their heads around the door to say, “Remember, don’t leave it open for everyone!” Then, when the time came, they just broke apart.

This is not exactly without precedent. Just last year, Niantic performed a series of sham-like takedowns after that year’s GO Fest, when technical problems it meant that the rotating cast of Pokémon in spawn did not work properly. To apologize, they held a makeup event, during which … technical problems caused many players to be unable to participate properly. Incredibly, they held a makeup event for that makeup event, although restricted to players from the Asia-Pacific region.

It remains to be seen whether today’s calamity will mean the same – the problem was fixed before the event’s launch time spread beyond Australia. For now, Niantic – usually too quick to confess mistakes in Twitter—Didn’t recognize the problem, even though it just updated apologizing for breaking the game news feed yesterday.
