Plex Arcade features a lot of old school Atari games

The Plex media streaming service is going beyond TV, movies, audio and photos. Starting today, you can play multiple Atari games through a Plex Arcade subscription. Plex partnered with Parsec to offer classics like Asteroids, Centipede, Missile Command and Super Breakout. You can also add your own game ROMs and emulators to your library.

You can stream games to Android (mobile and TV), iOS, tvOS or the Chrome browser. They should be played with almost any Bluetooth controller that you can connect to these devices.

However, there are some problems. After a seven-day trial, Plex Arcade costs $ 3 / month for those with a Plex Pass and $ 5 / month as an independent subscription. You will need to run your Plex media server on Windows or macOS, as Parsec does not support Linux or other platforms. Still, if you happen to have purchased some classic game ROMs, Plex Arcade can be a practical way to play them on your TV, phone or tablet.
