Player-style N95 masks: Razer’s crazy face mask prototype unveiled

CES’s annual flood of gadgets and gadgets generally tries to predict what consumer-facing technology will look like in living rooms in the near future. But after a year like 2020, folding TVs and surround sound systems seem less interesting than a more urgent category: technology to help people leave home during an ongoing pandemic.

That’s why we’re taken by the Razer Project Hazel, arguably the most sophisticated face mask concept we’ve seen since COVID-19 began to devastate the globe. This N95 mask concept was unveiled as part of Razer’s CES line of player-centric products on Tuesday, and appeared as a surprise entry alongside the company’s usual rate for laptops and gaming peripherals.

16.8 million colors on your face? Sure, why not

Razer’s sales pitch claims this shouldn’t be surprising, as the company reused at least one of its production lines to pump more than one million surgical-grade disposable face masks in 2020. From then on, someone at the company decided to go further and do what appears to be a gamer mouse with fancy pants and LED … for your face. The Hazel Project immediately reinforces the company’s affinity with customizable lighting grids, thanks to two light rings – which support 16.8 million colors, why not – circulating in the mask’s ventilation openings. We wouldn’t be shocked if Razer eventually let players synchronize these light grids with mice and keyboards nearby.

After laughing at this aesthetic exaggeration, however, we generally agree with the Hazel Project concept. The system, as announced, would include an active ventilation system, the slots of which fit into a refill case that functions as an ultraviolet disinfectant. A silicone protector would seal users’ cheeks and noses, while a voice modulation system and a clear plastic face would go the extra mile to keep speech volume and mouths visible – things you absolutely won’t find in a cloth mask. standard . Razer goes even further to guarantee the visibility of your face, offering as an option lights facing inwards.

Razer Hazel Project Prototype

For now, Razer manages to hide behind the “concept” label. Without a live demo showing exactly how it works, or any appearance of a release date, price, or battery life on a single charge, the Razer concept could be unattainable or prohibitively expensive vaporware at launch. In addition, there is the issue of fan noise and battery heat, both of which must be distributed neatly to ensure Project Hazel’s sales pitch for leaving the mask comfortably in public for long periods of time.

Like an open-eye mask, Project Hazel is certainly less dramatic in construction than the likes of the Narwall Mask, a $ 85 option currently on sale that lacks active ventilation systems (or transparent faceplate) and instead addition, it depends on a SCUBA type, all -over design. (Looking at it quickly, it looks like a great cosplay option for Snorks fans.) And so far, the best mask option we’ve found with transparent mouth windows, as part of our comprehensive mask purchase guide, is more difficult to recommend thanks to the CDC guidelines. Even though the Razer prototype never appears as a fully developed product, it is difficult to imagine the rest of the international technology sector not coming up with more ideas on how to safely navigate the outside world – long before the vaccination with COVID-19 became a given Social. If Razer sends us any updates about Project Hazel becoming a retail product, we will keep you posted.

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