Plastic surgeon Tessica Brown reveals details of Gorilla glue removal

Plastic surgeon Tessica Brown reveals details of Gorilla glue removal

The question on everyone’s mind this past week is how Tessica Brown would finally get Gorilla glue out of her hair. But after countless failed attempts by Brown and others, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon was able to crack the code. His name is Dr. Michael K. Obeng, MD, and he is being praised not only for his level of skill and knowledge, but also for performing the procedure completely free of charge.

“What Tessica is going through is a nightmare,” Dr. Obeng told ESSENCE before Wednesday’s procedure. “Gorilla glue has such widespread use, so it will be difficult, but I am confident that I can fix it. And he did.

On Thursday morning, the video of the three-hour procedure circulated, resulting in Brown’s hair totally free of glue. “Based on my experience in chemistry, I created a solvent made of medical grade adhesive remover and acetone to break through the month’s long peel,” he said.

Also included in the formula was aloe vera and olive oil to help soothe the scalp. “Some of these chemicals in the solvent may have caused chemical burns,” explained Dr. Obeng. “But we were equipped to handle that.”

What seems to have shocked everyone the most is that Brown managed to retain a lot of hair after the procedure. According to Dr. Obeng, that was the intention. “The solvent was never made to break hair,” he says. “Due to the chemicals and the condition the hair is in, it will initially be damaged, but she will have hair. And it will continue to grow again. “

Dr. Obeng insists that recovery time is also minimal.

“Once done, it is quite simple,” he says. “After that, we need to monitor what products she uses on her hair, but she will have a hundred percent recovery.”

TOPICS: Dr. Michael Obeng Gorilla Glue Tessica Brown
