Piers Morgan left Good Morning Britain after Meghan Markle comments

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Piers Morgan is leaving the ITV morning show “Good Morning Britain” after facing a negative reaction for comments he made about Meghan Markle on Monday.

The news comes shortly after UK broadcast regulator Ofcom said it was investigating Morgan after more than 41,000 people complained.

“After discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan decided that now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain,” the network said in a statement on Tuesday. “ITV accepted this decision and has nothing more to add.”

A few hours earlier, Morgan was called by co-host Alex Beresford on “Good Morning Britain” for his behavior towards the Duchess of Sussex. Beresford said that Morgan has tirelessly criticized Meghan in recent years and cited Morgan’s comments that cast doubt on Meghan’s veracity when she talked about her suicidal ideas.

“I understand that you don’t like Meghan Markle,” Beresford told Morgan. “You made it so clear several times on this show. Several times. And I understand that you have a personal relationship with Meghan Markle or you had one and she interrupted him. She has the right to interrupt you if she wants to. She said something about you since you cut it? I don’t think she said it, but you still criticize her. “

The incident in the air caused Morgan to leave the set.

Beresford shouted after him, saying the change was “pathetic”.

“This is absolutely diabolical behavior,” added Beresford with Morgan off camera. “I’m sorry, but Piers screams regularly and we all have to sit there and listen – 6:30 am to 7 am yesterday was incredibly difficult to watch, incredibly difficult to watch.”

Morgan reappeared on the set later on the show and went back with some of the remarks he made about Meghan, clarifying that it was not his position to question his mental health.

The network’s most recent comments about Meghan relate to an explosive interview she and Prince Harry gave to Oprah Winfrey, which aired in the United States on Sunday and in the United Kingdom on Monday. More than 17.1 million people in the United States watched the event and more than 12 million viewers watched the broadcast in the United Kingdom, according to data released by ITV on Tuesday.

The interview deeply investigated the reasons why the couple decided to leave England and move away from their royal duties. Meghan and Harry addressed what they said was the lack of support Meghan received when she went to the palace for mental health problems, denial of safety protection for the family and some royal concerns about her skin tone. Archie son once he was born.

Queen Elizabeth said on Tuesday that the royal family will address allegations of racism at Buckingham Palace made by Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex.
