Pfizer has just made a fantastic announcement about its coronavirus vaccine – BGR

  • Pfizer says the production of the coronavirus vaccine will greatly improve as the company increases manufacturing efficiency.
  • The company reduced the time to manufacture a batch of COVID-19 vaccines to 60 days from the initial average of 110 days.
  • Pfizer also increased production at its three US-based plants involved in the vaccine manufacturing process.

Bloomberg set up a coronavirus vaccine tracker that calculates how long it will take for a specific country or state to achieve collective immunity – or vaccinate 75% of the population. On Saturday morning, the world needed about 7 years to vaccinate 75% of the population with two-dose vaccines. That’s a rate of more than 4.6 million photos a day. The main problem with COVID-19 vaccine campaigns is that there are simply not enough doses out there, so most people who do not qualify for early vaccination will have to wait several months to get their turn. But the number of candidate vaccines available is increasing, as more drugs have completed their Phase 3 trials in recent weeks.

As for candidate vaccines that have already been authorized for emergency use, manufacturing is increasing. Now, Pfizer has just confirmed that it is able to increase production significantly.

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The partnership between Pfizer and BioNTech was the first to produce an effective and safe candidate vaccine. His mRNA was authorized for emergency use in mid-December. The drug is already in use in the United States, Europe, Israel and other countries, but companies are unable to meet demand. The vaccine comes with a two-dose regimen and injections should be given at least three weeks apart.

In addition to determining the drug’s efficacy and safety during testing, Pfizer had to develop new production lines and procedures for a type of drug never manufactured before. Scientists have figured out how to make the whole process more efficient and can now reduce the production time for a batch of vaccines from 110 days to an average of 60 days.

“We call it ‘Project Light Speed’ and it’s called it for a reason,” said Chaz Calitri USA today. Calitri is Pfizer’s vice president of operations for sterile injectables and manages the plant in Kalamazoo, Michigan. “Just last month, we doubled production.”

The report explains that Pfizer’s vaccine is produced in three factories. The process begins in Chesterfield, Missouri, moves to Andover, Massachusetts, and ends in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The production system is based on the way the vaccine was developed in the laboratory. With a normal vaccine, engineers would spend years improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness, but that cannot happen with a vaccine candidate during a pandemic.

“We just went straight to commercial production,” said Calitri. But engineers continued to analyze the production process to improve efficiency. One of the things that engineers improved was the creation of the DNA material that starts the vaccine process. Initially, they needed 16 days for the process, but that time has now been reduced to 9 or 10 days. The engineers said USA today that FDA regulations and best manufacturing practices are still being met, despite accelerated deadlines for quality control and testing.

Pfizer has also increased production at all three plants and expects further improvements in the coming months. “We just demonstrated to ourselves that we can go from a phone call in March to have already delivered 50 to 60 million doses,” said Calitri.

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Chris Smith started writing about gadgets as a hobby and, before he knew it, was already sharing his views on technology with readers around the world. Whenever he’s not writing about gadgets, he miserably fails to stay away from them, although he tries desperately. But this is not necessarily a bad thing.
