Peyton Manning launches Omaha Productions

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While many try to figure out what Peyton Manning will do in his post-game career, here’s the reality that lurks in plain sight: he’s doing it.

Manning is slowly but surely building a TV programming portfolio. Via Andrew Marchand’s New York Post, Manning started Omaha Productions, named after his shotgun formation catchphrase.

Among other things, Manning will produce programs for other renowned athletes based on his popular Peyton’s places for ESPN +.

Next, Peyton will produce other programs for renowned athletes based on the program. He will continue to do another year of the NFL film division show “Detail” for ESPN +.

As noted recently, he has an agreement with NBC to host a resurrected College bowl, a quiz show for college students.

Marchand’s story contains an intriguing nugget about Archie Manning’s close encounter with a TV career. It turns out that ESPN wanted Archie to NFL PrimeTime, the popular mid-1980s show that became viewing by appointment before the highlights became instantly available during games.

Archie ignored the opportunity. “With three boys, I wanted my weekends home,” Archie Manning told Marchand.

Peyton has yet to commit to his own football season weekends for TV. But he is finding a way to become increasingly involved in other types of programming.

Many still think that a broadcaster will make him an offer he cannot refuse and that he will enter a prime time broadcast booth. They definitely offered you jobs. At some point, perhaps he will accept.
