Pete Davidson joked about how to remove his tattoos on SNL

“It looks like I’m carrying a knife, but just to open a Capri Sun”.

“I saw a picture of me shirtless and I look like a child going to prison,” he laughed. “It looks like I’m carrying a knife, but just to open a Capri Sun”.

He also joked about moving out of his mother’s house during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“In a way, I like [Valentine’s Day during the pandemic] because it’s the first time that being alone was not my fault, “he said.” I spent the night eating chocolates and watching a movie with my mom, which is why I am officially leaving the house. One of us has to go. “

“What happens is that my mother is very similar to this program,” he continued. “No matter what I do, they never ask me out. Besides, they are both very old and visibly tired.”

Davidson noticed that he bought his house with his mother, so if he wants to move, he will have to get the money by fighting “Jake Paul or [stealing] one of Lorne’s paintings. ”LOL.

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