‘Personally, I’m incredibly frustrated’: Dr. Ashish Jha comments on the ‘slow’ launch of the vaccine

First, Jha pointed out, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told The Hill in October that “we would have 100 million doses by [the] end of December. “

At the time, the publication noted, this could translate into the fact that the United States has enough vaccine “for every American in March.”

“So, in November, Azar was saying 40 million doses [were] ready to send by [the] end of December, ”wrote Jha. “Now, we’re going to miss [the] Term of 20 million, but may reach 20 million in early January. “

But, Jha, wrote: “this is really not the worst part”.

The worst, he explained, is the lack of planning of what happens when the vaccines actually arrive in the states.

“Without a plan, without money, I just hope that the states will solve this,” he wrote.

At the state level, health departments are already overwhelmed and overwhelmed, Jha wrote.

“These well-funded agencies (yes, I’m kidding) that manage all data testing and analysis [and] reporting, advising companies, schools, running public campaigns, etc. ”Wrote Jha. “Nonstop. For [nine] months. They also get vaccines ”.

Most departments are “overwhelmed” but are still trying to make a plan – despite the federal government’s lack of resources and assistance, Jha wrote.

“They are trying to build a vaccination infrastructure,” wrote Jha. “Congress did not give them money. States are broke. Many are moving to hospitals, nursing homes. “

Jha added: “Any of this family member?”

He compared the ongoing launch to “our national testing disaster” – and said that the same problems that happened now are repeating themselves.

“And now, hospitals and clinics are struggling to figure out how to implement,” wrote Jha.

Referring to a CNN article on the situation, Jha pointed to a line from Mississippi health official Dr. Thomas Dobbs, who he said made him “crazy”.

“The line when [the] Mississippi Chief of Health Says [it’s] not [the] the state’s job of making sure that vaccines reach people, ”wrote Jha. “What? Whose job is it? Not the feds. They just take the vaccine to the states. Not the states. They just get vaccines at hospitals, clinics.”

“So [it’s] everything in frontline providers? ”Jha wrote.

Despite this, Jha noted that “many states” are preparing for the task and “taking real responsibility”.

“MANY people overburdened with public health are still doing this work,” wrote Jha. “Heroically.”

But because of the problems, Jha explained, hospitals are “trying to find out where to establish vaccination sites”, while other officials are trying to decide “who can vaccinate in health centers”.

Jha also detailed “some key data points:” the US distributed about 11.5 million doses, approximately 2.1 million were given to people and he thinks “the actual number given is higher (delay in the report), but [it’s] it’s still not that good. “

The part that is “most frustrating” for Jha, however, is that “there seems to be no investment or plan in the last mile”.

There was “no effort” by the federal government to help states “launch a real vaccination infrastructure,” he wrote.

“Didn’t the feds know that vaccines were coming?” Jha wrote. “Planning around vaccination sites, etc. Shouldn’t it have happened in October or November? ”

Public health, Jha wrote, has always been a collaborative effort between states and the federal government, but now “states are overburdened” at a time when those responsible are “[supposed] to help.”

“But [the] same people who blamed states for [the] testing mess [are] now ready to blame states for [the] slowdown of the vaccine, ”wrote Jha. “They are again establishing states to fail.”

Leaving all this aside, Jha wrote: “there is hope”.

Congress finally approved the allocation of funds for vaccine distribution, Jha wrote, and states are now building infrastructure – something that “should have been built by the Feds months ago”.

“After a slow increase, everything will be better,” wrote Jha. “We are learning again that we cannot fight [the] pandemic with each state on its own. A federal staff [government] help. “

Shannon Larson can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @ shannonlarson98.
