Pelosi and McConnell homes vandalized after Congress failed to approve $ 2,000 stimulus checks

The homes of Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were vandalized days after Congress failed to approve a measure to raise coronavirus stimulus checks to $ 2,000.

Photos taken on Saturday showed the words “WERES MY BONEY” scrawled in white spray paint on the front door of McConnell’s home in Louisville, Kentucky. “MITCH KILLS THE POOR” was written in red on a window.

Graffiti written “Where’s My Money” on the doorstep of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in Louisville, Ky., On January 2, 2021.Timothy D. Easley / AP

“I spent my career fighting for the First Amendment and defending peaceful protests. I thank every Kentuckian who was involved in the democratic process, whether they agree with me or not, “said the Republican leader in a statement.” This is different. Vandalism and the politics of fear have no place in our society “.

McConnell said he and his wife were not intimidated, but “I hope our neighbors in Louisville are not too bothered by this radical tantrum.”

The Louisville Police Department did not immediately return a request for comment on Saturday.

At Pelosi’s home in San Francisco, a garage door was defaced on Friday with phrases that included “$ 2K,” “Cancel rental!” and “We want everything!”

Police said a pig’s head and fake blood were left on the floor.

Garbage bags cover graffiti on the garage door of Mayor Nancy Pelosi’s house in San Francisco on January 1, 2020.KNTV

The San Francisco Police Department’s Special Investigations Division is investigating the vandalism, police said in a statement. Pelosi has not yet responded to a request for comment.

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The House passed the CASH Act on Monday to increase stimulus payments from $ 600 to $ 2,000 to help people during the coronavirus pandemic, but was blocked by McConnell, who said the project “had no way realistic to get through the Senate quickly. “

“The Senate will not be intimidated into sending more borrowed money into the hands of wealthy Democratic friends who do not need help,” he said in the Senate floor.

The act would have increased checks from $ 600 to $ 2,000 and was supported by President Donald Trump.

Suzanne Ciechalski and Cristian Santana contributed.
