PC players will get Hitman 2 levels for free in Hitman 3, after all

Last week, IO Interactive said that players would need to have Hitman 2 on the Epic Games Store if they wanted to import their levels into Hitman 3. That was bullshit – for game owners on Steam, it meant you couldn’t have those levels either. , or you will need to buy it again. Fortunately, IO is looking for a solution and warranty players won’t need to buy the game back after all.

“We continue to work with our partners to allow PC players that have Hitman 1 or Hitman 2 to import locations for these games in no additional cost, ” they said on Sunday.

“We guarantee that players will NOT need to repurchase these games. “

(Emphasis in bold and uppercase IO.)

The problem is that Hitman 1 and 2 were originally released on Steam, while Hitman 3 is being released as an Epic exclusive. In August, IO announced that “sites 1 and 2 can be imported at no additional cost to existing owners”. But they revealed on Friday that it didn’t count for Steam owners, and they would have to buy the Hitman 2 Access Pass at Epic to get those locations.

However, IO is working with Epic to work things out and they say the change will be launched “in the next few weeks” – which is strange considering the launch of Hitman 3 in just two days on Wednesday, January 20th.

“We never want players to feel forced to repurchase content from the Epic Game Store they bought from another PC store so that they can access resources in a new game,” Epic said on Sunday.

The Hitman 1 GOTY Access Pass is still free for PC players who pre-order Hitman 3 or purchase it within 10 days of launch. So, at a minimum, you will have some Hitman 1 levels to play until the Hitman 2 drama is resolved.

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