Patriots’ Cam Newton will not wait to sign

Cam Newton is on track for a free agency in the spring. This time, the Patriots quarterback told Greg Hill of WEEI that he doesn’t want to wait until summer to sign a deal.

This will definitely take into account, ”Said Newton (Twitter Link via Mike Reiss of “I will not wait at the end of another season, when I have the opportunity to do something or sign with someone. “

Although no decision has been made, the Patriots should not sign Newton again. Newton launched for just five touchdowns against ten interceptions, resulting in a low 78.9 defender rating in the NFL. The Patriots expected more from the ex-MVP and missed the playoffs for the first time in a long time.

Newton may still have appeal to other teams, given his potential and lack of talent in the QB position. In addition, he showed that he can still be effective with his feet, having run 126 times for 513 yards (4.1 YPC average) and 12 TDs. He also remained healthy – a feat not small, given his pre-Patriots history.

No matter where it stops, the 31-year-old has every intention of starting.

If you’re asking me, do I want to be a backup? No way! ”Said Newton. “When I look at other teams, and see the game of other players, there are guys who get away with murder for years because of a below average game. Do I have the right to say that with the year I had this year? No. But I will be honest and say why this is what I do. “

Photo courtesy of USA Today Sports Images.
