Palm Beach city attorney says Trump should be able to live in Mar-a-Lago

Palm Beach City Attorney John C. Randolph said in a memo to Council members that President TrumpDonald Trump Pelosi pressures Newsom to choose Schiff for the next California AG: report The Palm Beach city attorney says Trump must be able to live on the Mar-a-Lago Trump heliport in Mar-a-Lago to be demolished soon MORE you must have permission to live in your Mar-a-Lago club.

The memo, first obtained by the Washington Post, said that an agreement that Trump signed in 1993 to move Mar-a-Lago from a private residence to a private club does not prohibit Trump from living there because “it did not incorporate a direct ban on former President Trump residing in the club, the language in the agreement pertaining only to the use of guest suites by members. ”

The agreement that Trump signed in 1993 said that guests could not stay at the club for more than 21 days a year. Randolph and Trump’s lawyer, John B. Marion, argued that Trump is an employee of the club, so the deal does not belong to him.

“If he is a bona fide employee of the Club, without a specific restriction that prohibits former President Trump from residing in the Club, it appears that the Zoning Code allows him to reside in the Club,” Randolph I wrote.

“President Trump is the president of Mar-a-Lago Club LLC (the legal owner of MAL) and, as a corporate director, oversees the property,” said Marion. “He is therefore a bona fide employee within the express terms of the City Zoning Code.”

Trump’s lawyer in 1993 said Trump would not live in the club, but was not specified in the agreement.

The question arose after Trump’s defeat in the elections, when he was supposed to leave the White House and hoped to live in Mar-a-Largo. West Palm Beach attorney Reginald Stambaugh, representing the club’s neighbors, sent a Letter to the council protesting Trump’s move saying he was not allowed under the 1993 deal.

The letter states that he is in breach of the agreement, raises security concerns with neighbors, and the move devalues ​​neighbors’ property for breaking the agreement.

“Palm Beach has many lovely states for sale and he will surely find one that meets his needs,” wrote the lawyer.

Trump had previously moved from New York to Florida during his presidency. The city council will hear Randolph’s case on February 9.
