Paige Lorenze in Armie’s Hammer being a scary person

“You never know what you’re going to get from him.”

Todd Williamson / Getty Images

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Hammer’s ex-girlfriend Paige Lorenze said she ended up breaking up with the actor after he “started making rules for me about things I could and couldn’t do”.

“He told me that I couldn’t have anyone else in my bed,” she said. “And then I started to feel very insecure and very sick to my stomach about things. I was also emotionally dependent on him.”

Lorenze also said that he ended his relationship with Hammer via text message “because you never know what you’re going to get from him – he’s a bit of a scary person”.

A Hammer lawyer provided the following statement to Vanity Fair: “All interactions between Mr. Hammer and his former partners were consensual. They were widely discussed, agreed in advance with their partners and mutually participatory. The stories perpetuated on social media were designed to be lustful in an effort to harm Mr. Hammer, but that doesn’t make them true. “

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