Packers have a lot of what JJ Watt wants in the next team

The Green Bay Packers can offer much of what JJ Watt wants in his next team.

According to Mary Kay Cabot of, Watt’s free agent checklist includes the ability to compete for a Super Bowl and a strong cast of support and team culture – all things Packers have for real points sales when entering 2021.

The only question mark is money. And according to Cabot, Watt “wants to get its market value”, which can really complicate the process for Packers.

Everything else will probably be very attractive to Watt in Green Bay.

Compete to play in the Super Bowl? The Packers have won 13 games and advanced to the NFC title game during each of the past two seasons. This is a team outside the Super Bowl, and a player like Watt can be one of the final pieces to finally complete the journey. In fact, the Packers came out of 2020 as the favorites to represent the NFC in next season’s Super Bowl.

Strong support cast? The Packers had six All-Pros and seven Pro Bowlers in 2020, including NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers, who led the No. 1 football bout last season. In defense, Watt would have a chance to play with All-Pro Za’Darius Smith’s edge rusher and Pro Bowl striker Kenny Clark up front. Rashan Gary, the 12th overall choice in the 2019 draft, could be a legitimate candidate as a full-time player in 2021. There is as much or more talent at the Green Bay location around Watt’s position than any team he has ever played on. previously .

Team culture? Brian Gutekunst built a strong dressing room through the acquisition of smart players, and Matt LaFleur establishes clear roles for individuals and guides a team led by players. The Packers have a rich winning history, with 10 trips to the playoffs in the past 12 years. The organization also has a strong leadership structure around Gutekunst, LaFleur, Russ Ball and Mark Murphy, creating real stability and the opportunity for sustained victories.

Of course, money is a huge factor. A player of Watt’s stature in the game will not play for peanuts. If he really wants to earn something around $ 17.5 million a season in his next business. as Cabot suggests, the Packers are unlikely to be able to make everything work.

But while other teams – like the Browns – are in a much better financial position compared to the salary cap now, the Packers certainly have the ability to complete a series of reasonable moves and free up the space needed to make an offer. Again, Packers are unlikely to be able to compete with teams at the top of the Watt price range. But it is possible that Watt will play for less if all the other factors are aligned, as is likely to be the case at Green Bay.

If Watt wants more money as a free agent, he will probably have to sacrifice elsewhere, be it the quality of the team, the supporting cast or the culture. Browns, for example, are unlikely to match what Packers have in terms of readiness to compete, level of overall talent and winning culture. But if Watt wants everything else and is willing to sacrifice in dollars, the Packers are just as suitable as anyone else. The way Watt ranks his priorities – more specifically, where the money is – could end up deciding whether he will play in Green Bay or not next season.
